3 Tips For Your Dog Not To Destroy Your House When You’re Not In It

3 tips for your dog not to destroy your house when you are not in it

Your pet is no longer a puppy, but is it dedicated to breaking everything in its path, when it’s alone? Let’s give you some advice to make sure your dog doesn’t destroy the house in your absence.

Reasons why dogs break things when they’re alone

It’s a fact that dogs don’t like to be alone: ​​they are pack animals. But it is also true that the human members of the family generally have daily obligations to fulfill outside the home.

But why do dogs react this way? It’s usually because they’re bored and don’t get enough exercise. But they may also be stressed or anxious about your absence.

So, how do you manage to keep your pet from chewing, biting, tearing, or directly shredding everything, no matter if it’s the day’s paper or a new shoe?

Except for extreme cases of separation anxiety, in which, of course, you should seek an appointment with an animal behavior specialist, we’ll tell you some advice that will help your dog not destroy the house when he is unattended.

  1. Walk and play before you leave home

Sometimes, the daily rhythm plays against us. But you already know this, if you have a pet, you are responsible for taking care of it. So, make sure you have a daily routine that includes a long walk with your pet before you go out to fulfill your obligations outside the home.

Ideally, you and he should take the opportunity to do a little physical exercise or play for a while, chasing the ball or doing some similar activity. Although a good walk is always welcome.

So, if you can’t walk with him, or another human inhabitant of your home, ask a family member or friend to walk, or if your household budget allows, consider hiring a good dog walker.

The goal is for your four-legged friend to get tired and relax, and instead of dedicating himself to breaking things at home, he sleeps and forgets about you in your absence.

  1. give you lots of toys

The best option, when the pet wakes up from his nap, is to find some objects he likes to have fun.

Interactive toys are usually the ones that best fulfill this function. For example, those who dispense food as a reward.

Keep in mind that while some dogs have their favorite toy, others prefer to vary it. In this way, pay attention to the pet’s tastes and offer him alternatives, if necessary.

  1. Educate him with clear and precise rules

The education of your pet, like that of your children, is fundamental for a good coexistence at home. So do it with patience and care, but avoid treating him like a human, and treat him like what he is: a dog. Don’t get confused or get confused.

That way, you’ll surely also get your dog not to destroy your house when he’s alone. That is why:

  • Teach him to bite their toys and not other objects.
  • Set clear rules right from the start. If at any time you have given him objects to play with (shoes or old clothes), do not complain if he now breaks new versions of these objects. Dogs don’t know what’s what in these situations.
  • Don’t change the rules of the game for him. “NO” should always be “no” and this should apply to all family members, because it’s no use for you to say one thing and your spouse or children another. The pet will not know how to behave correctly if orders vary.

Also consider this option to make sure your dog does not destroy the house

A long-term solution might also be to get him a playmate.

Introducing a second pet into the home is not always an easy task and you run the risk of spending a lot of time before your pets learn to get along.

But, other than there being irreconcilable differences, chances are, sooner rather than later, your pet has fun with your new friend and forgets to wreck your house when you go out.

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