3 Tips For Your Dog To Do His Needs In The Right Place

3 tips for your dog to do his needs in the right place

We continue in our battle to educate our pet and make it a well behaved and educated dog. Raising him is very important and that’s why you have to start teaching him as a puppy, so it will be easier to get what we want from him.

The first thing we must teach the dog, and that we must not stop until he learns, is to do his needs where he should.  Otherwise, your house could turn into a pigsty as it will be difficult to eliminate the smell.

In addition, dogs must have the right places to do their needs, as this will avoid many education problems in the short term.

We will give you 3 tips to teach your dog to do his needs where he should.

Preliminary information

You have to understand that your dog is not born knowing, therefore, you are responsible for his education, in this case, you will teach him to pee and defecate where he should.

For this, you have to be persistent and not give up, remember that it is through repetitions that your dog will learn.

Determine a place for him to do his needs, it is essential that it is away from the food plate and also the water. Once you have chosen the location, you should cover everything with a newspaper.

Currently, they also sell a kind of hygienic mat that imitates a lawn, where he can relieve himself.

It’s very important that you don’t forget to reward your dog with a pet or his favorite biscuit if he does the right thing.

Three Essential Tips

Ensinando seu cachorro a fazer as necessidades no lugar correto

Once you’ve determined the space that will serve as a bathroom, it’s time to teach how and when to use it. Remember it’s easier than it sounds, you just need to follow 3 basic steps.

My Pets always teaches that you shouldn’t hit or mistreat our pets, you won’t get anything by mistreating them and it’s better to teach them with love and reward them when they do the right thing.

  1. set a time

It is the first and most important step of all. The dog is a creature of habit and if you can set a time for everything, you will gain in the future, not only because it relieves itself where it should, but also for success in other training.

The dog usually does his needs when he wakes up in the morning, but also when he finishes eating or drinking.

So, when you wake up in the morning, you must take him to the place chosen as the bathroom, for sure, soon, he will start doing his needs only there.

In addition to waking up in the morning, dogs often need to go to the bathroom every half hour after eating (more or less).

In this way, it is recommended that you also determine a time for meals, so you can calculate the average time in which he will do his needs and can guide him to where the newspaper is serving as a toilet.

  1. reward you

Another basic advice for your dog to do his needs where he should be is to reward him when he does it in the right place.

With established times, point to the bathroom and encourage him to take care of there. When you do, it is very important to show your dog enthusiasm and congratulate him, your dog will notice when you are happy.

If necessary, you can also present him with his favorite snack.

  1. Not there!

Ensinar cão a fazer as necessidades no local certo

When you see that he is going to take care of his needs in the place that is not assigned, say a loud and firm “NO” and immediately lead him to the right place.

Don’t hesitate to show him what he’s been doing wrong, speak firmly but not aggressively.

But if you come home from work, home, or after a period of time away and see that your pet has taken care of its needs in a place that is not the designated one, don’t punish or fight it, as it won’t understand nothing.

He won’t associate his anger with something he’s done wrong.

Don’t despair if you can’t get your dog to pee and poop where he should, you’ll see that, with patience and tenacity, you can.

Just follow the tips given above. Good luck!

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