5 Animals That Attract Good Luck

In different cultures, certain species have been associated with an ability or power.
5 animals that attract good luck

We often have some superstitions related to animals. For example, there are animals that (some believe) can bring good luck. You can have lots of pictures of them in your home, bag or car if you believe in these traditions.

What are the animals that attract good luck?

In different cultures, one species or another has been linked to a power or ability. Some are given away when you start a business, make a move, or take a long trip.

In addition to the famous four-leaf clovers and horseshoes, we’ll tell you which animals bring good luck, according to popular beliefs:

  1. frog

Amphibians usually appear in times of rain or high humidity. And what does this have to do with good luck? All!

In ancient times, the arrival of frogs was expected, because it meant that it would rain and agriculture and harvesting would benefit.

The Japanese say that the frog attracts good luck, as they associate it with positive transformations – from larva to adult – and abundance, due to the amount of eggs they lay.

It can be given as a gift for a woman to get pregnant, when we want to make a very important change in our life, or as a protector during a long journey.

  1. beetle

The habit of “gifting” with representations of animals is not something new. In Ancient Egypt,  the scarab was considered a symbol of good luck and success.

This is because there is a very strong relationship between this insect and the sun, supreme god in this civilization.

animals considered to be of good luck: beetle

That’s why  in temples there are drawings and hieroglyphics dedicated to the scarab. It is also given as a gift for travelers and you can find many jewelry and decorative objects with the figure of this animal.

It is also considered as a symbol of rebirth or a new dawn.

  1. rabbit

As the rabbit is considered an animal that brings good luck and fortune, there is a terrible tradition of turning rabbit’s paws into key chains.

For example,  they are said to be auspicious in terms of fertility and to provide a good birth, because they are a species that reproduces a lot.

rabbit and chocolate eggs

Furthermore, the Easter Bunny is a ‘reinterpretation’ of the ancestral tradition of the goddess Eostre, who had the head of a hare and blessed the beginning of spring, according to Saxon traditions.

Thus, after a harsh winter, the rabbit represented the abundance and the “return” to the life that bloomed in spring.

  1. cricket

Another animal considered good luck is the cricket, because its music is synonymous with good omen.

In Japan, they tend to feed them a fair amount of bamboo so they can hear that particular sound, also related to abundance in other countries like Barbados.

animals considered good luck cricket

Also, according to some cultures, crickets are just as guardians as dogs, because when they notice something ‘strange’ they stop singing. 

There are many amulets of this invertebrate in ancient cultures of Europe and the Middle East for luck, protection and rebirth.

  1. Elephant

In this list of animals considered good luck, the elephant could not be absent.

You’ve probably seen it as a decor item in the living room of a home or shop, with the torso up and the body painted in bright or flashy colors.

animals considered to be of good luck: elephant

Furthermore, for the Hindus, this animal is the only one that “has a hand” and is associated with the art of giving and receiving.

Therefore, having an elephant in ancient times – and also today – was synonymous with status, wealth and power, since only the higher castes could have one.

As if that wasn’t enough, it is also a symbol of abundance, family and protection.

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