5 Reasons To Love Cats

5 reasons to love cats

In this case, with dogs it’s easier, because when it comes to cats people seem to be firmly divided into 2 groups : those who love and those who hate. So if you’re part of the second group, we’ll give you some reasons to love cats.

Loving cats and their seductive image

If you pay attention, whether on television, in books or in movies, the image of cats is always related to the tion and elegance. In fact, there’s nothing more spectacular than when a cat pulls out its entire arsenal of tricks, with nimble jumps or posing elegantly on one of your furniture.

But that’s not all, his ability to rid a home of mice, rats and other pests is a blessing for many.  There are no traps, no chemicals, no fuss. Just a thin, elegant, sweet extermination machine.

Start your engines and your heart

In fact, there’s nothing more reassuring than hearing a kitten purr, especially when they’re doing it like an engine.

Purring is the most incredible thing you can ever feel when it comes to feline love. Caressing them and listening to how their little engine is started, while performing many of the contortions they are capable of, will be enough to fill your chest with warmth and make you smile. How can you not love cats?

purr cat

Also, if the cat is able to remain calm by your side, or sleep with you, that means he really loves you. And yes, that is one of the nicest feelings in the world.

It is not necessary to bathe them often

As is well known, cats are virtually self-sufficient and even in this they have the advantage, they usually do not need to be bathed. Since they perform a self-cleaning. Have you ever hugged a kitten and sniffed its fur after their self-cleaning session? Don’t do it, although it doesn’t smell like cat saliva, it doesn’t smell pleasant either.

Although it is not our favorite form of cleaning, for cats it works very well , just be careful that they do not do it compulsively, as this can be a sign that something bad is happening to your dear pussy and can cause in them skin problems, or be a sign of one.

Don’t need a lot of space

Don’t have a lot of space? No problem. Cats are known for being able to live in small spaces.

Small places aren’t a nuisance for cats because they spend most of their lives sleeping, and what’s more, they’re only active for a quarter of it. However, they need to be distracted to burn off the energy they accumulate when they sleep.

What you can do is provide them with toys to distract them, leave the TV on in a channel with animals (yes, that’s right, cats like to watch TV) or if you have a window, put some furniture under it. so he can see what’s going on outside; cats love to snoop outdoors.

As you’ll notice, it’s not that hard to entertain a little kitten, and if you get him used to doing his stuff in the litter box, this won’t be a problem for you at all.


Do not require many accessories

Cats are big recession aficionados (it’s just a way of talking). What we mean is that distracting a cat is really easy. Although you can get expensive and complex toys from the market, your cat will prefer to play with a paper ball or a cardboard box.

Just make it something attractive enough to catch his attention, and you’ll have your kitten happy and entertained for many hours.

So there you have it, 5 good reasons to love cats, which aren’t the only ones, they’re just our favorites, but we invite you to discover yours.

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