6 Common Dog Behavior Problems

If you have a dog, you’ve certainly had to deal with some of these bad behaviors. What to do to stop them?
6 Common Dog Behavior Problems

It is important to learn to interpret certain signals in the behavior of dogs, especially those related to barking, biting, chewing and many other common problems. A solid foundation of training will help prevent and better control dogs’ behavioral problems.

Even dogs that normally behave well can suddenly show bad behavior. Dogs have no sense of morality, so they don’t understand that something is wrong or not. They simply do what works for the purpose they have at the time.

It should be noted that, in addition to good training, one way to prevent behavior problems is to avoid boredom. When a dog has nothing to do, he may start doing things we want to avoid, like chewing on furniture, playing with shoes or clothes, or digging holes.

Some Common Dog Behavior Problems

Next, we’ll look at some of the most common behavioral problems and how to solve them.

1. Chewing

Chewing is a natural action for all dogs. However, it  can become a behavioral problem if the dog causes havoc. The most common reasons dogs chew are teething problems (puppies), boredom or excess energy, anxiety and curiosity.

Give your dog toys or objects he can chew. Also, keep out of reach what you don’t want him to bite. If your dog has problems with chewing when you’re not home, keep him locked up or confined in an area where he can’t cause destruction.

When you catch your dog chewing what he shouldn’t, correct him immediately and replace the item with a chew toy.

One of the most important things you should do is make sure your dog gets enough exercise. In this way, he will be able to deplete his energy and be sufficiently stimulated, which will reduce his need for chewing.

2. Excavation

Most dogs instinctively love to dig whenever they get the chance. Certain breeds are more prone to this, especially hunting dogs.

In general, dogs dig out of boredom or excess energy, anxiety or fear, hunting instinct, because they are looking for comfort, to hide something or to try to find something. It’s important to determine why the dog is digging. 

Spending more time with him, giving him the opportunity to increase his physical and mental activity and train him, is often enough to solve the problem. If that doesn’t work, you can always give him an area to dig and train him to just do it there.

dog digging hole in garden

3. Barking, one of the most frequent behavioral problems in dogs

Most dogs bark. However, excessive barking is considered a behavior problem. Before correcting it, it’s important to determine why the dog is barking.

The most common types of barking are used by dogs to warn or warn, to get attention, because they want to play, out of anxiety, boredom, or because they are responding to other dogs.

To teach your dog to control excessive barking, you need to be consistent and patient. It can also learn bark/silence commands.

4. Improper evacuation

It’s very frustrating when dogs do their needs where they shouldn’t. First, it is very important to talk about the topic with the veterinarian to rule out health problems.

If there is no medical cause, the problem may be due to submission or emotion urination, to mark a territory or demand attention. It can also be an anxiety problem.

Inadequate evacuation is unavoidable in puppies, especially before 12 weeks of age. It is from this age that you should train him. For older dogs that are already trained, the problem often requires serious behavior modification to eliminate the habit.

5. biting people

Dogs bite for a variety of reasons. Instinct and herd mentality are two possible alternatives.

Puppies bite and chew other dogs and people as a means of exploring their environment and learning their place in the pack. Training plays a key role in eradicating this behavior in puppies.

In addition to the behavior of the puppies, the motivation to bite usually comes from fear, a defensive attitude, the attempt to protect the property, due to pain or illness, to assert dominance or by the predatory instinct itself.

Dog owners and educators should work to reduce bites through proper training, socialization and breeding practices.

Mad Dog

6. Aggression, one of the behavioral problems of dogs that deserves a lot of attention

Aggressive dogs growl, bark their teeth, and finally start biting. It is important to know that any dog ​​has the potential to become aggressive, regardless of breed or history.

However, dogs that have suffered abuse and violence and those raised with dogs with aggressive tendencies are much more likely to show aggressive behavior towards people or other dogs.

The reasons for aggression are basically the same as why a dog bites, but canine aggression in general is a much more serious problem.

If a dog has aggressive tendencies, it is advisable to consult the veterinarian as it may be due to a health problem. It is also advisable to work with an experienced dog trainer.

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