7 Dangerous Objects For Your Pet

7 dangerous objects for your pet

When buying toys for our dog, we are always in doubt whether it is something too soft, too hard or too small, but the truth is that these precautions are not very valid if we do not watch what dangerous objects for our pet we leave at home, either on the ground or within their reach.

Being aware of the danger of these objects can save your pet’s life, as some can even cause the death of your pet. To protect your friend we will tell you which are the 7 dangerous objects for your pet.

Dangerous objects for your pet

woman playing with dog

Some of the dangerous objects that we are going to put on this list are essential in a home and cannot be removed, but they can remain hidden to avoid our pet’s contact with them.


For animals, especially dogs, who like to investigate and nibble everything. Licking an outlet could electrocute them, so it’s important to take some action. We could, as we said, keep them a little hidden, or also put child protectors on the covers that prevent the dog from licking them.

Wires and cables

Possibly we have already been bothered when our pet bit a wire or cable, especially if it was an expensive appliance or appliance, but possibly we don’t think, on such occasion, how harmful it could have been to him.

As well as electrical outlets that can electrocute, ingesting small amounts of copper from wires and cables causes a great harm that not even veterinarians can solve. The best option to prevent your pet from accessing these objects is to have an organizer of wires and cables that can be placed behind or under furniture, thus taking them out of the animal’s view.


We know that for all dogs, and also for some cats, it seems to be fun to play with the garbage, but this will be an unpleasant prank for us that we will have to collect later and also for the smell of our home.

The garbage has bacteria and microorganisms that can do much harm to pets, and rotten food in poor condition and also worms. It is definitely not something for your dog or cat to play with.

The best solution is to keep the trash out of your pet’s reach, put a flexible lid, so that we have to step on a pedal so that it can rise, keep the trash in the yard, if there is one, or if there isn’t, we can put the trash behind a kitchen furniture door. If that’s your choice and your dog knows how to open doors, as a dog I used to know well, it’s best to put a guard on the door as a form of safety to prevent him from opening it.

Objects on tablecloths

If, for example, we put a centerpiece on one of those wide, narrow towels that fall out of the corners, chances are that someday, on one of these days when your dog is bored, he will see these hanging parts and try to pull them out. And what will happen? The centerpiece will fall on your pet’s head…

The kitchen

As with a child, the kitchen is also a dangerous place for a dog, as it can cut itself, burn itself or be exposed to foods such as onions or garlic, which are not beneficial to the animals. Prevent your dog from entering the kitchen while you are cooking, close the door and deny your dog access.

dog in the kitchen

Cleaning products and insecticides

These products, as we already know, are highly toxic and if your little friend has easy access to them, these products can even cause the death of your pet. This type of liquid can cause serious burns to your pet, whether external or internal burns. The best thing would be to store these products in a cupboard in the garden or backyard, or if you don’t have this option, in one of the tall furniture in the kitchen.


Medicines prescribed for people are not beneficial to pets, so it is extremely important to keep them out of reach of your dogs. Keeping them in an airtight box inside a piece of furniture would be a good option.

These are just some of the dangerous objects for your pet, but you should also watch out for needles or pins that can fall to the ground. Before buying special toys for them, ask your veterinarian which are the most suitable and avoid any kind of dangerous objects for your pet.

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