7 Things Dogs Hate You To Do

7 things dogs hate you to do

To solve coexistence problems, you have to understand the language of dogs. With this, you will ensure the well-being of your pet and strengthen the bond between the two of you. Know some things dogs hate you to do.

Nobody said that living together was easy, especially when it comes to different species. Dogs and humans are very special and different beings.

So just as dogs do things you don’t like, there are also some things dogs hate you to do. Keep some of them in mind:

1. Dogs hate it when you don’t listen

Dogs are very communicative animals. They are always giving different signals to show what they think or what they feel.

However, perhaps we are not so attentive and we end up getting lost in canine language.

dog getting affection

Dogs hate it when you don’t listen to them. They try for long minutes to say what they want from you. Besides, they spend months trying to say that they don’t like that other dog, a certain street or a certain neighbor.

Even so, you end up ignoring it. All of us must make a greater effort to understand the signs of calm and signs of stress in our dogs to understand them better.

2. When you treat him like a human

We are different beings: humans have different needs, language and customs than dogs.

That’s why your dog doesn’t like you to forget that he has his own way of seeing the world and treats you like a human.

couple with pug

Don’t talk to him like he’s a small child: treat him like a dog. He is an intelligent animal that understands words and intentions, but not long speeches or reproaches.

Don’t forget that his strongest sense is his smell, so help him have fun by letting him sniff in the street and at home.

Your best friends should be dogs, and your dog’s social life is as important to him as yours is to you.

3. Prefer chest collars

Common collars can hurt the neck and cause health problems. It doesn’t matter if your dog is big or small, he’ll prefer that you put a harness over a collar around his neck.

dog with breastplate

Going out on the street is one of the most exciting times of the day. That way, don’t spoil it by giving your dog a permanent sore throat.

It is much better to tie the dog to solid parts of the body: around the sternum or ribs.

4. When you pull it while walking

Another thing dogs hate for you to do, in addition to the pain of the collar in your neck and the temporary choking sensation, is tugging on the collar as you walk.

A tug on a harness hurts, but the neck is much worse. Pain is branched through all the nerves in the hind legs.

dog pulling the leash

There is no justification for shaking a dog while walking: handling your excess energy correctly is more difficult than it sounds.

But if you learn to walk him gently, your dog will always be grateful.

5. When you use heavily scented disinfectants

The most sensitive and developed sense of dogs is smell. They say their nose is a thousand times more powerful than a human nose.

That way, they smell much more than we do and therefore everything they smell is more intense.

muzzle of a dog

When we use them with scented shampoos for humans, we are saturating and attacking the dogs’ noses.

Plus, when we clean the house and leave a trail of chemical perfume, we’re also interfering with your instincts.

Dogs hate it when you don’t smell “human” and instead smell like a lot of perfume.

Try to reduce the intensity of the smell of detergents, colognes or creams you use regularly. In this way, you will be creating a more pleasant world for your dog.

6. When you punish them

We humans like to punish: we constantly punish children, we punish our employees and sometimes – although we certainly shouldn’t – punish ourselves.

However, dogs should not be punished, but rather taught and guided when they misbehave.

Dog being scolded for peeing on the rug

A punishment is uncomfortable and unpleasant for both the punisher and the punished. Also, most of the time we punish our dog, he doesn’t know why we do it.

Drop the punishments of your upbringing because it’s another thing dogs hate you to do. Learn to use positive reinforcement to teach new things.

7. When you don’t respect their fear

Our homes and cities are made to measure for humans: that way everything for dogs is big.

The streets, times and customs are made for us, and some dogs may not understand and even be afraid.

There are many different things that cause fear in dogs when it comes to living among humans: the inexplicable noises from the street, cars, neighbors, elevators, etc.

However, going back to the first point on the list, we can not always understand that our dog is afraid of some of these everyday situations.

scared dog

This is accentuated when we confuse fear of dogs with graceful attitudes: when they growl, bark their teeth, run away, hide, etc.

Especially in small dogs, these things are taken as fun things, rather than being interpreted as the paralyzing fear that they really are. So learn to identify your pet’s fear.

Respect him as you would like to be respected when faced with something he doesn’t like, and protect him from anything he feels is a threat.

Although dogs have lived with us in our homes for thousands of years, there are still many things we don’t understand about them.

This leads us to do little things in everyday life that they hate. Fortunately, however, it is easy to learn and correct them so that our pet is happier.

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