9 Tips For Bathing Your Cat

9 tips for bathing your cat

Pussies are famous for several things. For example, that they are very clean. And anyone who has a feline at home knows how much time they devote to cleaning themselves. But they are also famous for not liking water. This issue can be a problem if you want to bathe your cat. We will give you some advice to make this task as traumatic as possible for you and your pet as well.

Is it necessary to bathe the pussies?

bathe cats

Experts have not yet come to an agreement on whether or not cats need to be bathed. And while it’s true that they seem to suffice to be always impeccable, situations can arise where you need to bathe them. For example:

  • If they return very dirty from an escape through the neighborhood (clay or different types of dirt stuck to their coat).
  • If they came into contact with toxic substances that put them in danger by licking themselves.
  • When they need some treatment for dermatological problems.

The ideal would be to get our friends who meow used to bathing from an early age, but it is never too late when the intention is good. So, be patient and get to work, as the only battles that are lost are those that are abandoned.

Steps to follow to (try) to bathe your cat

Bathing your cat can be a difficult mission, but not an impossible one. The idea is, then, to cause as little stress as possible. And that you don’t come away with too many scratches or bites from the experience, of course. Then:

  1. Before putting your pussy in the water, make sure you have all the necessary elements for the bath (specific shampoo for cats, towels, etc.). Once you get started with the delicate task of bathing your cat, it will be virtually impossible to leave him to pick up anything else.
  2. Pick a time when your furry purr is quiet. Or play with him for a long time so that he gets tired and doesn’t have so much resistance when immersed in water!
  3. Don’t forget to brush it well before you wet it. This way you will more easily remove all the dead hair or any knots it may have in its coat.
  4. If you can count on the help of someone your pussy trusts, it will be great. While the other person holds it, you bathe it. Or vice versa.

More recommendations for bathing your pussy

Everything okay so far? The time is approaching to convince your pussy to enter the water. Do not freak out. If the pet notices your nervousness, you won’t get anything. Let’s go ahead:

cat bath

  • Wherever you choose to bathe your cat (bathtub, tank, basin, etc.) put some non-slip element on the base, so the little animal doesn’t slip, and fill the chosen container with a few centimeters of warm water.
  • Close the doors and windows of the place well to prevent the pussy, if it gets too scared, trying to escape. Also, do not allow other pets to enter while bathing your feline.
  • Little by little, get your pussy used to the situation. You can add some toys in the water to get your attention, for example. If you notice things have gotten out of hand, don’t force him. Try another time. But if you need to bathe it urgently, because your health is at risk, try cleaning it with a damp cloth. Or go to the vet.
  • If you manage to place it in the basin or container chosen for bathing it, wet it from the neck down and gently soap it. Rinse it off well. If your head and muzzle aren’t too dirty, you can clean them with a damp cloth. While the operation lasts, talk to him calmly and gently.
  • Dry it with warm towels and place it near a heat source. If he accepts the hair dryer, he can use it. But don’t add an extra source of stress. If he is startled by the noise, turn it off immediately.

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