How Do I Report An Animal Protection Organization?

In the field of animal law, a frequent question is when and how to report an animal protection organization or shelter. First, we remember that everyone’s commitment is essential to eradicate animal abuse and abandonment.
How to report an animal protection organization?

Although it may seem abnormal, an animal protection organization can also be denounced for mistreatment of animals. These cases represent a small percentage of complaints currently, but it is very important that society knows how to proceed if it identifies that a shelter does not have the necessary conditions to take care of the animals properly.

When is it appropriate to report an animal protection organization?

There is no law or regulation that specifically addresses animal protection organizations or shelters in relation to animal welfare and animal abuse. Therefore, the same rules in force for society as a whole are also applicable to this type of institution.

In other words, it  is possible to denounce an animal protection organization if any context understood as mistreatment of animals is identified. In fact, the concept of mistreatment of animals and the applicable sanctions may vary according to the legislation in force in each country.

In general, any form of physical or emotional abuse, as well as the abandonment and neglect of basic needs , is considered to be maltreatment.

Situations that can be denounced as mistreatment of animals

  • Do not offer food to the animal in adequate quantity and quality, as well as adequate water for consumption.
  • Keep the animal in unhealthy conditions,  without providing adequate hygiene to the environment.
  • Exercising physical violence  using or not instruments that cause pain, such as belts, whips, etc.
  • Exploit the animal’s physical strength,  forcing it to pull carts, carry excess weight or participate in fights.
  • Force the animal to consume drugs or chemicals, except in the treatments recommended by a veterinarian.
  • Abandonment.

report an animal protection organization

Common sense is also essential when deciding to report

It is also important to be guided by common sense in deciding whether it is necessary to report an animal protection organization. In other words, it is necessary to take time to check the reality of the institution that is the target of the complaint. You need to make sure that animals that should be receiving care are being abused.

Shelters and animal protection organizations often operate completely independently and do not receive help from local governments. They usually rely solely on donations and volunteer services. In addition, we must also consider that many countries still do not have effective public policies to combat homeless overcrowding and the abandonment of animals.

As they naturally have a vocation to help animals and not leave them on the streets,  many animal protection organizations house a higher than ideal number of animals. As a result, their facilities are often overcrowded and struggling financially to provide optimal care for all the animals they own.

Does that mean I shouldn’t report an animal protection organization?

All of this means that  we can help shelters provide better living conditions for animals. If we are unable to contribute financially, we can volunteer or help promote adoption campaigns. The idea is for these animals to find a dignified home and enjoy the love of a family.

But if it is actually found that a protection organization is exposing the animals to dangerous or unhealthy conditions, or exercising any kind of physical or emotional violence against them, it is essential to report it. But how can this be done?

report an animal protection organization

How to report an animal protection organization?

The process for reporting an animal protection organization follows the same steps as for reporting a person. The ideal is to formalize the complaint through a police report, in person, before the competent authorities in your country.

Upon completion of the deposition, it  is always advisable to request confirmation of the complaint in writing.

If possible, it is highly recommended to  accompany the testimony with photos, videos and testimonials that prove the abuse. It is also important to gather basic information about the protection organization, such as name and address.

In addition, you can also file a complaint about an animal protection organization over the phone by  calling the corresponding number in your city or country.


Remember to  remain calm and objective when making a report against an animal protection organization or an individual. This will allow the authorities to formalize the complaint and be able to act more quickly and efficiently.

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