Animal Rights Working In The Media

The presence of animals in movies or on television is a source of much controversy. This often has important consequences for your mental health.
Animal rights working in the media

The latest trends  in advertising are turning media animals into big stars. Domestic animals and some wild animals are the protagonists of advertising campaigns by large companies.

The ‘artistic’ images of these animals placed on their profiles generate a large financial income for their owners. At first glance, the idea seems harmless, but how many rights are violated in these productions?

The use of wild animals in the media

It is  increasingly common to see tigers, lions, monkeys and elephants in the advertisements of major commercial companies. These and many other animals represent various characteristics with which they want to sell their products: strength, courage, joy… But what happens behind the scenes?

Most of these animals are removed from their natural habitat and forced to live in an environment that is harmful to them. They lose contact with other animals, which profoundly affects their ability to socialize and, in general, they are locked in small cages that are inadequate for their development.

Far beyond the apparent goodwill of those who own them, there is an abuse of animals when they work media. Unfortunately, this happens in most cases. Isolation, training with physical violence or lack of food, the stress caused and the mutilations they may suffer are violations of their rights.

Pets, Family Artists

Pets are also “hired” by big brands and their own owners as media stars. It seems that its presence in different media has a high profitability. Some even have their own agents and earn profits that exceed their owners’ salaries.

Marketing  and communication specialists  are creative and are always looking for innovation. That’s how they incorporate animals into their campaigns, and they’ve even started targeting exclusive advertising to dogs and cats. The most recognized pet food brands are pioneers in the use of ultrasonic sounds and other stimuli.

When it comes to social media, there’s no doubt that Instagram is the king of images with a lot of content traffic. Many pets are leaders in following numbers, and their profiles attract many sponsors. Those responsible for managing these accounts are their own owners, the same ones who benefit from their publications.

cat in costume

Animal Foundations

It is true that not all animals are abused, but the vast majority do, even without those involved knowing. The foundations that work to defend the rights of animals  are very attentive to the routines and use of these living beings.

One of the main arguments against the use of animals in advertising is the irreversible damage caused to the physical and mental state. Several of these ‘actors’ have already been rescued with cuts, wounded claws and irreversible consequences on their behavior.

Don’t forget that just being forced to act against your will with actions that are not part of your nature is an abuse. The consequences can be unpredictable for your mental health, especially when the animal ages.

Furthermore, it is noteworthy that many are at risk of extinction. The need to acquire certain types of animals is one of the causes of trafficking and sales that exceed the permitted limits. An illegal sales side market arises, and it’s very difficult to stop it if you don’t see the reality.

tethered iguanas

Examples of animals working in the media

The  Tiby monkey is a clear example of a chimpanzee that has lived in captivity for years and has been used as an actor, playing a banker. A major hotel in the world has a cat as its main promoter. So many dogs appear every day on television to ‘sell’ other people’s products.

On the other hand, on social networks, Toast is one of the dogs with the highest number of followers, an excellent attraction for those who want to expand their brand’s visibility. The consequences for the pet’s psychological health are a separate issue, but one that also needs to be considered.

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