The Importance Of Stimulating Puppies Early

The importance of stimulating puppies early

Early stimulation of puppies encourages intellectual, emotional, motor and social learning from the first days of life. Here are some simple techniques to help you educate your best friend.

Early spur of puppies: what is it?

Most techniques have been developed and improved for training dogs for professional use, especially those aimed at working in the armed forces, firefighters and police.

Its use allows to optimize learning skills and positive response to different stimuli. Upon reaching the appropriate age for training, such animals will demonstrate greater ease and predisposition to learning.

owner training dog

However, early stimulation of puppies is not just about instructing them with commands or tricks. It is essential to teach them to live in society, feed them well , develop your security, and also your ability to face external stimuli.

Benefits of early stimulation in puppies

– Improves the strength and endurance of the cardiovascular system

– Strengthens the adrenal glands

Stabilize your behavior

– Increases tolerance to stress and work under pressure

Strengthens your immune system

– Favors their physical development and  emotional .

Is it safe to stimulate puppies early?

The exercises are painless and safe as they were developed by experts. However, its execution requires extreme care not to expose the animal to situations of vulnerability for its health.

Encouraging puppies early requires the animal to go outside and receive various stimuli. However, as he will not have his defenses fully developed and will not have had all his vaccines, the exposure must be strictly controlled, so as not to harm his health.

In the first four weeks of life, it is recommended to introduce him to other dogs of friends or relatives who are properly immunized and dewormed. It is important to avoid contact with pets that are unknown or that have followed a poor health plan.

You tours should be short and in controlled environments as far as possible. The ideal is to prevent the puppy from sniffing the urine and feces of any other animal.

Overprotection is not very productive in terms of both training and education. Therefore, you should not take the puppy for a walk on your lap or transmit fear to the animal. That’s because taking risks is essential to working your self-confidence and security in an unknown environment.

Simple exercises to stimulate puppies early

The following exercises were used by the US Army. The objective was to encourage the animals from their first weeks of life, without putting their health at risk. For this, simple techniques that do not need external exposure are used.

It is possible to put them into practice easily in your home, with due care not to harm the animal. Exercise should be done once a day for the first two weeks of life.

dog doing yoga

1- Thermal stimulation

Before starting the exercise, you should cool a towel in a refrigerator beforehand. O exercise it consists of supporting the puppy’s four legs on the towel for five seconds. It is worth mentioning that it is important that you do not impede the animal’s movements.

2- Tactile stimulation

You should start by lifting the puppy with one hand. Then, a cotton swab is used to stimulate the region between the toes of each of the four paws. It is necessary that each stimulation lasts between three and five seconds.

head positions

3- Head up position

This is the first position exercise and should last no longer than five seconds. Its execution is very simple: just suspend the puppy with both hands and keep it perpendicular to the ground.

4- Upside down position

Its execution is very similar to the previous exercise. It consists of suspending the puppy with both hands very firmly and holding it upside down and again the duration should not exceed five seconds. As we have seen, it is not necessary for the exercises to be long, but constant and disciplined.

5- supine position

This is the last position exercise. This involves lifting the puppy with both hands so that its back is lying on both palms. In this activity, the duration should be three to five seconds.

Encouraging puppies early helps prepare them for training and ensure better behavior in adulthood. Investing in your best friend’s education is essential for a happy future life, with many shared moments.

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