Do You Know All The Mastiff Breeds?

Do you know all the Mastiff breeds?

Large, protective and originating from Asia and Europe,  the Mastiff breeds belong to the group of molosso mountain dogs  and have helped humans since remote times. In this article we’ll tell you what are some of the best known Mastiff breeds, in case you wanted to adopt an imposing, kind and affectionate dog.

Different Mastiff Breeds

Among the breeds of Mastiff, mountain dogs or herd guardians, we can highlight the following:

Mastiff with puppies

  1. Mastiff of  cashmere

Also called Bakharwal, it is a working dog from India, more precisely from the Pir Panjal region, in the Himalayas of Kashmir. For centuries it was created by nomadic tribes as a guardian of herds and protector of land. It is related to the Dogo of Tibet and other races from central Asia. It is muscular, strong, with a large head and dense coat, colored black or bronze.

  1. italian mastiff

The Shepherd of Maremano is another exponent of the Mastiff breeds. As its name indicates, it comes from Italy and for centuries it was used as a protector of flocks of sheep, against wolves. It is still used in the Abruzzo region and is similar to the Pyrenees Mountain Dog: large, woolly, shaped similar to that of a white bear, it can weigh up to 45 kg.

  1. Afghan Mastiff

It has been used for centuries to protect the herds of Afghan, Turkish and Tibetan tribes. It can be dangerous to strangers and its body acts as a hard weapon to beat. It has strong jaws and powerful muscles. They say that one of its qualities is the fact that it can kill a person. It has a brindled coat, curled tail and great height.

  1. Pyrenees Mastiff

Another of the Mastiff breeds that originated in Europe, more precisely in the Aragonese Pyrenees region. It is a molosso of the mountain type and  since its origin it accompanies the flocks of sheep and protects them from the attacks of bears, wolves and thieves.

After the Spanish Civil War it almost died out, because it was too expensive to maintain due to its large size. Thanks to the work of recovering the breed in the 70s, nowadays there are more and more specimens. The Pyrenees Mastiff is very intelligent, noble and guardian. His robe is white with black or brown spots.

  1. Neapolitan Mastiff

This breed is descended from the Tibetan Mastiff, a very popular dog in ancient Rome, it is of the molossos family and of the Dogo type. It is a massive dog, heavy and of great size. It is not aggressive and does not bite for no reason. He is very intelligent, noble and decisive. Ideal for taking care of a property and family. You should eat approximately 1 kg of food a day.

  1. spanish mastiff

Also known as Leonese Mastiff, is another of the Mastiff breeds that originated, as the name implies, in Spain, and was used as a guardian in rural areas. The first examples appeared for cattle grazing. With the end of the Civil War, few exponents of Leone were left. Then, little by little, they were recovered. It is a large dog, powerful, muscular, intelligent, with thick and thick coat, with a  balanced temperament and an interesting guardian instinct.

  1. american mastiff

One of the few Mastiff breeds that originated in the United States. This molosso was created from the crossing of the English Mastiff with the Anatolian Shepherd Dog. Even though it is large in size (male can measure up to 90 cm in cross and weigh 90 kg) it can fit well into living in an apartment, as long as it can exercise daily.

  1. Tibetan Mastiff

The Dogo of Tibet is originally from this region of China and, in the beginning, it was used as a herding dog by the nomadic tribes of the Himalayas. Furthermore, it is the traditional guardian of Buddhist monasteries. It was named after Aristotle and Marco Polo. It is one of the oldest breeds in the world.

Mastiff puppies

  1. english mastiff

The last of the Mastiff breeds on this list is a centuries-old dog from the Brittany region. Although it was almost extinct at the end of World War II, the importation of several copies to Canada and the United States allowed it to continue to exist. It is brave, affectionate, protective, loyal and zealous to its owners.

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