Can I Sleep With The Cat?

Can I sleep with the cat?

Before the arrival of a new pet at home, we promise that we will not allow him to climb into bed…, but then winter comes and that pity to leave him alone, so we accept that he will keep us company. Many people wonder if they can sleep with the cat and in this article we will answer that question.

The cons of sleeping with the cat

We’ll start by detailing the disadvantages of accepting the cat to sleep with us in bed (or in the same room). The first and foremost has to do with hygiene. Although felines are cleaner than dogs, they also accumulate bacteria and viruses in their paws and genitals.

cat lover

To prevent the animal from stepping on your sheets after leaving the litter box, you can for example put an old blanket so that it sleeps in it.

If you’re allergic to cats, you shouldn’t have one, but if you’ve still decided to adopt a feline and leave the windows open so its fur doesn’t make you sneeze, then you can forget to sleep with it. It sounds tough, but it’s the only option.

During the nights everything is usually closed in our house and, even if the animal sleeps, a little hair will fly through the air … and this will make you have an irritated nose all night.

Another reason you might wake up in the middle of the night if you sleep with your cat is that… felines are nocturnal animals! So they sleep during the day and are alert when the sun goes down. They will want to play or go hunting, but not to stand by your side like a stuffed animal.

And precisely in this regard, you must be very careful when sleeping with the cat, because at the slightest movement you make, it will jump on top of you, like a predator finding its prey. He can’t tell if there’s a foot or a toe under the blanket, and he won’t think twice about biting or scratching it when he moves. You will be hunted by your pet!

In addition to allergy sufferers, there are other groups of people who shouldn’t sleep with a cat: asthmatics, babies, small children and pregnant women. If you’ve adopted a baby kitten, you have to know that, in addition to missing her mommy, it’s likely that she’ll cry at night and be too close to you to receive warmth.

The advantages of sleeping with the cat

It’s not all bad news if you’re thinking about allowing your feline to sleep with you (in bed or bedroom). That’s why we highlight the “advantages of sleeping with the cat”:

The relationship between the pet and the owner is reinforced. If they share an activity as beautiful as sleeping, you will be respected by the animal and also greatly loved. You may be the only person he looks for in the whole family.

Feeling the cat at the foot of the bed is a very nice feeling, especially when it’s cold and it warms our feet. Plus, you might hear your kitten purr with happiness and feel like the happiest owner on the planet.

If your cat is quiet and doesn’t get enough sleep during the day, at night it will be just as tired as you are, so you won’t hear more than enough to breathe or settle into bed. This calm will be conveyed to you and you will have a wonderful night’s sleep.

Are you one of those hard to wake up early? Don’t worry because your cat will act as a perfect and punctual alarm clock at sunrise. And, of course, he will be your ideal companion to watch a movie in bed.


If you’ve balanced the scales in favor of sleeping with your cat, you’ll have to comply with these “rules”:

  • Brush it daily so it doesn’t shed hair on the bed.
  • Change sheets once a week.
  • Wash your nightwear every week.
  • Put an antiparasitic on it.
  • Complete the vaccination schedule.
  • Clean the room thoroughly weekly.
  • Put an old blanket for him to lie down on.

Tell us about your experience of sleeping with your cat!

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