Are Cats Good Pets For Children?

Are cats good pets for children?

In addition to their well-known independent character, felines are very patient and playful. Furthermore, they are proven to be ideal for combating stress. But, are cats good pets for children?

We hear a lot about the protection dogs offer babies. However,  few people know that cats make good pets for children.

Many believe that they cannot control their forces and that they can hurt them. But is this true? What has already been demonstrated?

Reasons why cats are good pets for children

“And what are you going to do with your cat?”

This is a common question that is often asked of pregnant women. For those who love cats, the answer is clear: keep it!

However, for those who don’t have all the necessary information, or have the wrong information, it can seem crazy to be with a cat when a baby is on the way.

Many feel that having a cat at home creates the risk of a pregnant woman being infected with toxoplasmosis, which is not entirely true. When the cat is domesticated and used to living at home, there is no such problem.

On the other hand, the strength they have in their claws and nails creates fear that they might hurt the baby.

However, this is a myth that has grown up around cats, as they know very well how and when to control this force.

woman with cat in her lap

Here are the reasons why cats make good pets for children:

they are very patient

Cats are very easy to raise, they are very calm and patient.  Then, they will be the ideal companions for the little ones.

We already know that children’s curiosity leads them to make gestures and movements that can be irritating or even painful for cats.

Rest assured, however, that your cat knows very well who he is dealing with and where the limits lie.

They develop a strong bond.

Despite the fame they have gained from wanderers because of their independent nature, cats are able to form very strong family bonds with family members.

That way, they will understand very well that when a new member arrives, he has as much or more importance than anyone else.

In addition, cats’ sensitivity is enormous, which encourages them to absorb the tenderness that a baby or child exudes and to know that they should be treated gently.

they are very playful

What does a child want to do all the time? Play! It is very likely that on many occasions we will be able to accompany them, but at other times this is not possible.

For this, your cat will be your ideal replacement. Cats are very playful and never seem to get tired of playing.

What better playmate for your child than your cat, the one who has shown you loyalty over time? In addition, your child will also love sharing moments with your pet.

Are cats good pets for children?

They will teach lessons to your kids

Having a pet will not only teach a child to be responsible, it will provide many other lessons.

In the case of cats, they will learn that sometimes we need solitude and that we must respect each other’s space.

We already know that cats have a reputation for being independent, but this fame is due to that, because they need their space at certain times of the day.

They go after your tastes and needs, just like we do. Children will learn to respect this, a lesson that will come in very handy later in life.

They are ideal for stress

Cats will serve as a stress prevention for your children. If your child is nervous by nature, a cat can help you stay calm, as its purring has been scientifically proven to calm the nerves.

Also, as playful as they are, cats have a quiet nature and love to sleep, something they can “pass on” to their children.

Not to mention the benefits they bring in other areas of health, as they lower the risk of allergies and improve our cardiovascular health.

You realize that cats make good pets for children because they only offer us benefits. So don’t deprive your child of the joy of growing up with a pet.

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