Accessories And Scratchers For Your Cat

Accessories and scrapers for your cat fulfill several functions. In addition to being a form of entertainment, they also help satisfy your pet’s biological needs for exercise and relaxation.
Accessories and scrapers for your cat

What role do scratchers play in the routine of the domestic cat? The benefits offered by these accessories are associated with the need to sharpen the nails that all cats have. Therefore, we invite you to learn more about scrapers and their importance to your pet’s well-being.

Why do cats need to sharpen their nails?

In the wild,  felines sharpen and use their nails by scratching tree trunks and other natural elements. This activity is essential to ensure the quality and effectiveness of your hunting, but it also has other functions such as:

– Biological necessity

Cats’ nails are made of different layers, each of which grows continuously to allow new  nails to originate. If the nails do not wear out, the animal has difficulties with balance and may develop problems walking. This, in addition to harming their hunting and feeding, prevents them from defending themselves and exercising.

In this sense, all of the above reveal why  nail wear is a biological consequence of wild and domestic cats.

– Marking the territory

Cats are one of the most territorial species in the animal world. Therefore, marking territory is essential to ensure your survival and impose yourself on other hunters.

Its legs concentrate sweat glands in the pads of the paws, which produce a substance very similar to our sweat. This fluid is full of hormones that convey information about the animal; when marking a territory with its nails, the animal hardly leaves its impression, but it also permeates its smell.

It should be noted that  domestic cats have inherited this trait from their wild ancestors. Therefore, they need to tag their own home to ward off ‘competition’.

– Stretch your body

Small cats tend to stretch their bodies quite often, especially when waking up or getting up. This is also a need for your body to be in a good mood and alert.

To stretch and stabilize their body, cats need to nail their nails to some firm surface. This is another reason why your nails should always stay sharp.

– Exercising and entertaining

Domestic cats suffer a considerable reduction in their natural physical activity as they do not need to hunt for food. This adds to the fact that  many cats live in small environments and don’t go out much.

In addition to promoting excess weight, the  sedentary lifestyle bores cats. It is common for them to look for an accessible escape valve in their environment to entertain and discharge the accumulated energy. That is,  the cat can sharpen its nails and scratch furniture to fight boredom.

Why have a scraper in your home?

We’ve already seen that, for cats,  sharpening their nails  is a necessity and an acquired habit. If your house doesn’t have a scratcher, your kitten will leave marks on furniture, walls and curtains.

Then  the scratching posts are a practical solution to meet this need  and ,  thus, provide a healthy activity for your body and your mind.

Types of Scratchers and How to Choose the Ideal Model for Your Cat

Scratchers come in all sizes and colors, with different shapes and ornaments. In fact, the market offers so much variety that it is sometimes difficult to know which model to choose. So, we’ve summed up in some simple tips to help you satisfy your cat with the ideal scraper.

Does your house have little space?

The simplest way to please your cat and optimize space is to  purchase a post-type scraper.

Is your house big and there are lots of cats?

Some scraper models include so many accessories that they are a real  feline amusement park. It is an excellent proposal to provide a very active routine for domestic cats. These objects are ideal complements for houses where space is abundant or where several cats live.

Is your cat already a senior feline?

Older cats experience a natural reduction in their metabolism, so they need activities that are more accessible and have less impact. Cushion-type flat scratchers provide comfort and practicality for your cat; they are compact and can be used ​​in small environments.

Is your cat naturally curious?

Cave scratchers are excellent for the most curious and hyperactive cats, and can be made at home. These accessories stimulate the animal and the hole can be used as a shelter.

It is necessary to clarify that  sharp nails do not need to be long, among other things, to prevent certain  behaviors. Scratchers are excellent accessories for keeping cats’ nails sharp, but they are not always necessary if the nails remain a considerable size. That’s why it’s important to consult your trusted veterinarian about maintaining your cat’s nails.

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