How To Educate Your Cat?

How to educate your cat?

Educating your feline is an act that, although for some people it is something very difficult to be done, it turns out to be quite simple if you know the steps to follow. 

Therefore, below we will tell you in detail the measures to be taken into account so that you do not have any doubts. These are the most important:

call him by name

When you are educating your pet or teaching it to perform some activity in particular, whether it’s doing its needs in the sand or any trick,  one of the main tips for it to be able to comply with your indications is to repeat the behavior patterns,  because thanks to them, your pet will know what you are asking for.


Among these patterns, one of the best there is for your cat is the repetition of your name,  so that they will know when you want to talk to them, and thus, they will focus all their attention on what you say.

That’s why  one of the keys to effectively educating your cat is to call him by his name when you’re explaining something. That way, he will be able to learn more easily.

don’t change the behavior patterns

As we mentioned at the beginning of the previous recommendation,  the repetition of some behavior patterns become essential for you to be able to educate your feline,  as it is evident that it will take some time to pay attention to you and perfectly understand each of yours. indications.

This happens to them because cats can only memorize a few words you say. Therefore, it is essential that you always use the same words, especially when fighting or punishing the animal for some action, otherwise, it will not take you into account.

The reward is essential to educate your feline

As with dogs,  one of the most important secrets for you to properly and effectively educate your cat is simply rewarding him every time he does something good or listens to you,  because they will understand that if they do what you want. owner wants, will be rewarded with something they like.

Even if it sounds unusual, you should understand that  your little friend, no matter how much he loves and respects you, won’t do the things you ask for either out of generosity or because it’s good or bad,  but they will simply accept the their orders because they will know they will be awarded.

With regard to the prize itself, it is important to point out that even if, at first, it can be done through some food, this can change over time and be replaced by caresses. This way, he will start paying attention to you due to repetition and will not demand any more rewards.

react immediately

Even if you don’t want to, inevitably, there will come a time when you will have to fight and punish your pet,  either for having done something improper or simply for not paying attention to some order you have given. Therefore, failure will be a way to make the animal understand that a certain action should not be performed.

cat caress

Cats, like other animals, relate a bad experience to something they did at a specific time, this means that  if you want to punish him, the act must be performed at the moment you notice he is doing something wrong  to let him associate such an act with the reprimand and not act in the same way again in the future.

One of the mistakes that cat owners often make is to fight with them a few seconds after they made the mistake,  either because he couldn’t fulfill the order at that moment because he was busy or because he realized it too late.

The reason that makes this a real mistake is due to the fact that the little animal will never associate the reprimand with its mistaken action, that is, it will continue to act in the same way.

In other words, if you don’t catch your pet hands-on, avoid punishing it, as this will only cause  stress  to the animal and will not cause it to change its way of acting.

As you’ve probably noticed,  educating your feline is much easier than people thought. 

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