Meet The Spitz Dogs

The so-called spitz dogs originate from northern Europe and are the oldest in existence. They are characterized by their pointed ears, their curled tail and their double layer of fur.
Meet the spitz dogs

With pointy ears and a curled tail, spitz dogs are very attractive animals due to their fur. In this article, we’ll talk more about this canine group, which has an undeniable resemblance to wolves.

General characteristics of spitz dogs

According to the International Federation of Cynology (FCI), spitz dogs are originally from Germany and are direct descendants of wolves. All sub-breeds in this group are similar: they differ only in size and coat color.

The heads of spitz dogs have an elongated snout, black eyes and erect triangular ears. The fur is formed by two layers, one inside and one outside, and the tail is curled and rests on the back.

In terms of behavior,  spitz are happy dogs, very attached to their owners and dynamic. They get along well with other pets and with children. Although they can be good guardians because they bark a lot, they are not protective dogs.

spitz dog breeds

Within this family, we can highlight its most characteristic breeds. It is noteworthy that  the group of spitz dogs is divided into three sections: European, Asian and Nordic. Some of them are:

1. German Spitz

It can be said that he is the ‘father’ of all spitz dogs, as the other breeds are descended from him. It is believed to have appeared in the Stone Age in Central Europe and is therefore the oldest dog in existence.

The fur of the German sptiz – the photo that opens this article – can vary in color, although it is usually golden, beige or white. Like the others, it has a double layer of fur. It can weigh about 20 kilos and measure up to 55 centimeters.

2. Wolf Spitz

Also known as Keeshond, it is a medium-sized dog that is characterized by its thick coat, composed of two or three colors: brown, black and white or gray. It can measure about 50 centimeters and weigh about 30 kilos.

German Spitz

It originated in the arctic lands of Holland, but became “famous” in Germany during the 18th century. During the French Revolution, he was named as we now know him and has always been considered a great companion dog.

3. Spitz Dogs: Lulu from Pomerania

It is probably the most famous of the spitz dogs and is in the miniature dog category because of its small size. Pomeranian Lulu’s ancestors were dogs from Lapland and Iceland, who arrived in Poland carrying sleds.

lulu of pomeranian

With a triangular head, striking fox appearance, small triangular ears and a curved tail on its back, this dog has a double coat of fur and can suffer a little from the heat in summer. It is a very active dog that adapts to urban or rural life.

4. Japanese Spitz

This dog originally from Japan is quite similar to the Russian Samoyed, mainly due to its completely white coat, curved tail and pointed ears.

Japanese Spitz

The Japanese spitz is very intelligent, loyal and attentive to its owners, and makes an excellent pet. It adapts without problems to the family environment and gets along well with other dogs if it is socialized from a puppy.

He needs little exercise, but likes to run a lot (he’s perfect for agility ).

5. Finnish Spitz

It is one of the least “spongy” spitz dogs, although it has several typical characteristics of the group (upturned tail, elongated muzzle and triangular ears). Its fur is light brown or reddish.

finnish dog

The Finnish spitz was bred to hunt rodents and squirrels and is still used today as a hunting dog. It’s a bit stubborn, curious and playful.

He can be aggressive towards other dogs and needs a long walk each day.

Other spitz dogs are Medium German, Small German, Vulpino-Italian, Eurasier, Hokkaido, Elkhound and Norsk lundehund.

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