The 5 Quietest Dog Breeds

The 5 quietest dog breeds

Just as there are dogs with the most different temperaments, there are also owners with different personality types, from those with more energy, who love to go out for a walk every day with their pet and have a busy life, such as those who prefer a routine calmer and more serene, finding in tranquility a true oasis.

For the latter, and taking into account their lifestyle, choosing which dog to adopt can be an arduous task. The best we can do is get a dog that is as similar to us as possible. That way, living with our new friend will be much easier.

If you are this type of owner and prefer a quieter life, this article was made for you. Check out below the 5 quietest dog breeds you can own.

Great Dane

Author: Bella and George Burton

It’s no surprise to find the name of this charming dog on our list. Although its appearance makes us think it lives running and jumping non-stop, the Great Dane is one of the calmest dogs you can find.

This great friend is one of the best choices for a pet, not only for its intelligence and fidelity, but also because it doesn’t need a lot of physical activity to stay healthy.

However, thanks to its large size, it can be a little difficult to bathe it and you should reserve a large, padded space for it to rest comfortably.

St Bernard

St. Bernard dogs are beautiful, faithful and protective. You can be sure that he will never leave you alone and will take care of you and your family with great dedication. He is also well known for his incredible ability to take orders and understand the owner.

Dogs of this breed are docile with children and love to play with them, even though they are one of the biggest breeds in existence.

Very quiet, São Bernardo does not require you to take it for walks all the time, as long as it has all the necessary space for you to live without problems.

Shar Pei

Anyone who lives with one of these charming animals knows very well what joy and tranquility are. You only need to know one of them to understand that happiness can also be found in calmer moments.

These little companions are characterized by being very peaceful, calm and kind. Furthermore, they hardly react in an extreme way to stimuli that normally affect other dogs.

The Shar Pei doesn’t need a lot of physical activity to keep in shape and has the particularity of being one of the most independent breeds. But that doesn’t mean he stops being protective and faithful.

English bulldog

Don’t let appearances deceive you. This little dog is the living example of attachment and affection. Even though he appears to be angry and nervous, he is one of the sweetest and most loving dogs in the world.

One of the characteristics of the Bulldog is that it is a calm and calm animal, allowing you to relax and enjoy your company without having to worry about mess.

If, when going to the park, you prefer to enjoy the place rather than running and walking, this is the ideal dog for you. Thanks to its physical characteristics, the Bulldog cannot do much exercise.

Galgo, one of the most peaceful dogs to have at home

spanish greyhound

You might be wondering what Galgo does on our list. After all, this beautiful dog is recognized worldwide for being extremely fast and needing a lot of physical activity to stay healthy. It’s the opposite extreme from the other races we’ve indicated.

Surprisingly, the Greyhound is one of the calmest, most obedient and peaceful pets anyone can have, thanks to its fearful and cautious temperament.

If you prefer to stay at home and go for a walk and exercise once in a while, he will be the best company you can have.

As you can see, some dogs are calmer than others. In this article, we show you some of them. Which one is your favorite?

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