Fun Facts About The Hedgehog: Habitat, Characteristics And Behavior

This small mammal, increasingly popular as a pet, has a life expectancy of 8 years. Despite its sympathetic appearance, it is a territorial specimen that will defend itself – with its thorns – if it feels threatened, so it is essential to get it used to the human presence since its puppy.
Curiosities about the hedgehog: habitat, characteristics and behavior

He is a charming being that many have chosen as a pet in recent years. One of the causes may be the great fame that this animal has gained, thanks to television advertisements from several international companies. Next, we’ll tell you some fun facts about the hedgehog.

Curiosities about the hedgehog, a very beautiful animal

Among the curiosities about the hedgehog,  its thorns are, without a doubt, the most characteristic  and, at the same time, what causes the most fear to humans. However, this disappears when we see its sweet appearance and the tenderness that this pet exudes. Let’s find out more about him.

Hedgehog Characteristics

Another interesting thing about the hedgehog is that its spines are nothing more than hollow hairs with a keratin coating, which allows them to have that rigid appearance. Despite some myths that say about them, they  don’t cut and can’t throw them like darts, and of course they don’t have poison.

His eyes are widely separated by a wide muzzle, ending with a small nose that adds that sympathetic touch to his features. Usually chocolate or black, depending on the species.

The ears are small, erect and with rounded tips, separated by a small crest that crowns the head. His chest, legs and hands are pink  and practically hairless.

Hedgehog feeding and habitat

One of the most common questions regarding the  hedgehog  is about its food. He is a vegetarian and his diet focuses on insects, fruits and vegetables. Sometimes it may include cat food, something that it appears to assimilate and digest well.

trivia about the hedgehog

Their natural habitat, and therefore their place of origin, is Europe, Asia and Africa, although due to their heyday as a pet they are expanding to other continents and regions of the world, allowing us to find hedgehogs almost anywhere in the world.

All of this makes it possible for the spread of the species to continue increasing, and that the demand for this small animal as a pet can be satisfied. Although everything has two faces, something we won’t talk about for now.

Hedgehog behavior

Although it doesn’t look like it, the hedgehog is a  territorial animal, like the dog and the cat. If his territory is threatened, he will use his greatest defense weapon: his thorns.

In addition, he is solitary, an aspect that should be taken into account before thinking about adopting a hedgehog as a pet,  as it is not an animal that likes to be part of a family, especially if adopted as an adult. That is why it is suggested that adoptions be done when they are babies, to get them used to a more social and family life.

trivia about the hedgehog

It is an excellent climber, which  resembles the hamsters. This is also an aspect to be taken into account when buying your cage, as it should have a clasp that should not open easily.

Types of Hedgehogs to Become Pets

Not all hedgehogs are suitable, nor are they allowed as pets. The most common are the  Pygmy  and the  Egyptian, but there are many other species that can be adopted as such. These are a few:

  • Common Hedgehog. This specimen comes from Europe and is the most common pet.
  • Balkan Hedgehog. It differs from the common hedgehog in its color, which is a darker brown tone. His chest is completely white.
  • Manchurian Hedgehog. It is the largest of the hedgehogs and now lives in Russia, Korea and China.
  • White-bellied hedgehog. He lives in Africa and his body is completely white, unlike his head, which is a darker shade.

These are just a few species, although there are many others that can be adopted. If you’ve decided to put a hedgehog into your life,  make sure that the one you’re going to adopt is allowed by the law of the country in which you live. 

The life expectancy of this animal is 8 years, regardless of whether they live in a domestic environment, such as pets, or in a wild environment. If you decide to have one, you will find that it is an ideal pet if you adapt it to family life. Different is always fun, you’ll see!

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