Why Are Dogs So Fond Of Belly Rubs?

Dogs show their belly for different reasons. Sometimes they do it to play and other times when they feel comfortable with the people around them. They also do this as a submission demo.
Why are dogs so fond of belly rubbing?

It’s impossible not to be shaken when you find a dog baring its belly for a cuddle. We couldn’t resist and reached out to rub his belly and see the animal’s face in pleasure. But here we’ll answer the following question: why are dogs so fond of belly rubbing?

If you have a dog at home, you’ve certainly seen him lie on his back and ask for a caress on his belly. So far so good, it’s a sign of affection. But what happens when we see this behavior in a dog that is not ours, a dog that is on the street? Is it a show of affection? Let’s find out why these animals adopt this posture.

why do they show their belly

When dogs lie down to show their belly, they are not always showing behavior associated with happiness. This canine behavior can have several meanings and, among them all, stand out 2:

  1. The dog lies down on the floor – with its mouth open and its tongue out – with its tail and eyes calm: it can be a sign that the dog is happy and wants to caress its belly.
  2. The dog shows its belly, but with its mouth closed, its tail tense and not fixing its gaze: this could be a sign that the animal needs space and does not want anyone to approach. Maybe he just wants to rest.

The key is to observe the dog’s behavior to know when he wants to communicate and interact with the environment. In other cases, the postures he assumes are just a demonstration of obedience.

Interestingly, it has been suggested that dogs enjoy tummy rubbing for more than just getting a nice feeling. When we rub a dog’s belly, nerve receptors in the hair follicles are stimulated. This sends a message to the animal’s brain that is linked to an act of social grooming.

A dog showing its belly.

How to caress puppies’ bellies

The first thing you should do is get to know the dog well to know when he wants to play or is looking for treats. Then you can gently scratch your belly, massaging and using your fingertips. You can also rub your stomach with the palm of your hand and accompany the act with a few pats.

At this point, it is relevant to note that, when children caress the bellies of dogs, they should be gentle and not clap their hands too hard. When a dog is handled abruptly, it can feel violated, consequently being aggressive and possibly causing an accident.

Observe dogs’ body language

It’s that simple: if you watch the dog nervous and it shows its teeth a little, stay away, wait a while. If, on the other hand, the dog arrives sniffing, wagging its tail and ears, it is a sign that it needs attention. This means you are allowed to stroke your belly.

Another way to pamper dogs

Dogs’ bellies aren’t their only favorite part of being petted. They also enjoy stroking the ears, base of the neck, chest and head. After all, touch receptors are almost everywhere on the skin.

However, be careful when touching the head, tail, legs and muzzle. Many dogs feel threatened when we touch these parts of their body.

sense of security

To conclude and confirm, rubbing the bellies of dogs makes them feel safe and is a way of reassuring them. It is also a way to connect the bonds of affection with your guardian. Besides, for them it’s like remembering when they were puppies and felt the affection of their mother and brothers.

If you have young children at home, teach them the proper way to show love, protection, and appreciation for dogs. Despite being with our species for centuries and loving us unconditionally, dogs are living beings that deserve all the attention, respect and the right to receive affection in an empathetic way.

A dog gift for Valentine's Day.

As you’ve seen in these lines, dogs like tummy tucks for a variety of reasons, both social and instinctual. These types of acts promote the connection between the guardian and the animal, a kind of bond that remains unbreakable until the life of one of them comes to an end.

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