Hair Loss In Dogs And What To Do If It Occurs

Hair loss in dogs and what to do if it occurs

The appearance of the coat reflects the animal’s physical condition. When it is shiny and silky, it means the dog is in good health. However, the coat requires care such as washing and brushing. Next, we’ll tell you what to do if your dog’s fur is falling out.

Naturally, some dogs change their coat every semester, especially those with long fur.  However, when the fall occurs frequently, it is important to understand the cause.

The appearance of the coat reflects the animal’s physical condition.  When it is shiny and silky, it means the dog is in good health. However, if it is opaque and dry, it may be experiencing some kind of problem.

The coat also requires care. Bathing and brushing should be part of your hygiene routine. At these times of cleaning, irregularities in the change of hair may also be noticed.

Why does hair loss occur in dogs?

Some breeds have a tendency to lose a lot of hair. This is very common in long-coated dogs such as the Golden Retriever. This situation can also be seen in the Siberian husky and in Labradors. When hair loss occurs out of season, it is important to pay attention to the possible causes:

  • Natural causes. The main reason for hair loss is coat renewal.

During the fall and spring seasons, it  is common for animals to change their coat. In this way, the old hairs give way to new ones.

Depending on the breed and the season, this change can be more or less intense. In some cases, it is possible to see large amounts of fur where the animal passes.

  • Bad eating habits. The second main reason for hair loss in dogs is poor diet. This reason has nothing to do with the amount of food, but with the amount of nutrients ingested.

An animal that consumes little protein will have a dry, brittle coat. On the other hand, greater amounts of fat help to strengthen the coat. Omega 3 fatty acids and vitamins A, B and C are essential for healthy hair.

Drinking too little water can also cause hair loss in dogs.  Dehydration makes the skin dry and damages the coat.

  • Hormonal or emotional disorders. Regarding diseases, anemia can be a reason for hair loss in dogs. Anemia is a hormonal disorder caused by poor diet. However, the fall can also occur due to emotional situations, such as stress or anxiety.

    Generally, dogs that experience a sudden change of routine may experience shedding. When it comes to an emotional problem, the condition improves when the dog resumes its traditional habits.

    Skin diseases and parasites

    • Skin disease is another cause of hair loss.  The most common is scabies, which is a symptom of localized shedding of hair. Also, the skin is reddened due to irritation. In such cases, it is advisable to go to the veterinarian immediately.
    • Parasites,  both internal and external, can also contribute to the problem.  Dogs sensitive to flea bites may scratch frequently, causing hair loss in the affected area.

    What to do to prevent hair loss in dogs

    • Regular bathing. Bathing the dog regularly, using specific shampoos, helps to control the hair loss. Bathing should be regular, but not too much, as shampoo can dry out the skin. 

    There are caregivers who prefer to use fall protection products.  We remind you that it is always important to consult an expert opinion before applying any product.

    • Brush the fur constantly. Brushing the dog’s fur establishes an emotional bond between the animal and the owner and helps the dog change its coat.

    With the brush, you can remove large amounts of dead hair. It is important to use the right brush for each type of breed and fur. A brush with thick, close bristles is ideal for dogs with short fur, while a brush with wide, spaced teeth prevents knots in dogs with long coats.

    • Balanced diet. Good nutrition remains the key to preventing hair loss in dogs.
    • Take the dog to the vet.  A timely visit to the specialist can detect problems in time.

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