Everything You Should Know About Your Dog’s Sleep

Everything You Should Know About Your Dog's Sleep

Watching our dog sleep is one of the things we love the most. Knowing how we can help our pet to sleep well and ensure that they have enough is essential for their rest and good health. So, let’s see details about your dog’s sleep.

And so we’re going to reveal to you some secrets related to dog sleep.

What You Should Know About Canine Sleep

Knowing the details of what a dog needs to have a pleasant sleep is essential for us to help you. So here are the secrets:

  • A dog sleeps more than half its time. While we only use a third of our time to sleep, our dog needs more, about 65% of his time, that is, a total of 24 hours a day, a dog sleeps around 15 hours.
  • He needs a definite place. Even though a dog can sleep anywhere in the house, he needs a place to have his bed; a space he knows is his, where to go when you reprimand him; when you need to relax or when you want to rest. Don’t take it for granted that he can sleep anywhere in the house.
  • The bed. Maybe you’d like him to sleep with you in your bed, but in any case, he needs to have his own bed, and as we said before, it should always be positioned in the same place. It doesn’t matter what kind of bed you like. There are dog beds with different shapes and textures, we just recommend it to be washable, with colors that do not tire your eyes and that is comfortable for him. Nowadays, there are many stores where you can enter with your dog. Let him help you choose!
  • Your sleep cycles. Dogs have at least three sleep cycles that are divided into phases. In the first one, brain activity decreases, but muscle strength remains the same, that is, he cannot relax completely. In the second phase, brain activity is intense, but muscle relaxation occurs. The animal may twitch or move, but that doesn’t mean it’s awake. It’s important that you respect his cycles and don’t wake him up, as this can cause problems for him.

    More secrets about canine sleep

    • Sleep disorders. Your pet, just as it happens to us, may suffer insomnia or disorders that prevent it from having a balanced sleep. Several factors influence this:

    1. Maybe your bed isn’t located in a very noisy place that doesn’t allow you to relax.
    2. Anxiety caused by separation from your family. If he’s still a puppy, he probably misses his mother and brothers; you may not be able to sleep well at night.
    3. Disease. Perhaps some illness that has not yet manifested itself is disrupting his sleep.
    4. Air currents. Dogs don’t like drafts. If your bed is in a place where there are a lot of drafts, it certainly won’t have a balanced sleep.
    5. Ache. If he feels any kind of discomfort, he won’t be able to sleep.
    6. The age. When animals get old, they lose their senses little by little. This can make them nervous, make it difficult for them to recognize where they are, and prevent them from getting a good night’s sleep. A trick you can use in this case is to turn on a light bulb dimly so that he has you as a reference.

    If you think that instead of having some of these symptoms, he has some illness or pain, it is better to seek help from a veterinarian. He will be the one who can best say what the causes are and what to do in each case.

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