The Story Of Eastwood, The Last Shelter Dog To Be Adopted

The story of Eastwood, the last shelter dog to be adopted

When we read an article about animal shelters, we see that there are many who live there and keep each other company. However, sometimes most of them are adopted. Those who are not adopted are waiting for their opportunity. That’s what happened to Eastwood, a dog who was left alone. In this article, we’re going to tell you your story.

Eastwood, the dog that couldn’t find a family

It seems a little strange to us that a being as beautiful and with such an expressive face as Eastwood would have trouble finding a home where he was loved and protected. But that’s what happened. This dog lived with 2,500 other pets in a shelter. They were adopted one by one and he was the only one left waiting.

When the Bissell Pet Foundation of the state of Michigan, United States, conducted a program for the adoption of stray dogs, requests “rained” to bring a new friend home. Thanks to a big event in the city, all centers and shelters literally “empty”.

Within days, families brought home their pets from adoption centers and animal shelters, but unfortunately, Eastwood was unlucky. He was left alone, without companions; was relegated to the last plan in the preference of adopters. Was there a problem with him? He had a deformity in his paws that made it difficult for him to move, and besides, he was going blind.

Those responsible for the Foundation did not fold their arms and told the story of Eastwood on social networks, where they posted some pictures of him. In the publication, they warned people who wanted to adopt at the time that the dog did not require special medical assistance. However, he was due to undergo paw surgery in the future, and this cost around $4,000.

In return, Eastwood promised a great deal of affection, gratitude, and protection. Eastwood got along very well with children, other dogs, cats and adults, without a doubt, was a “good catch”. Those in charge of the shelter couldn’t believe it, when nothing more, nothing less than 80 requests for adoption came to them! Luckily, he has already found this family full of love that accepted him despite everything, and no longer needed to be alone.


Beauty, another case similar to Eastwood’s

If you think it was only Eastwood who was left without companions in the shelter where he lived, you will have to read the following story. In that case, let’s go to the city of Honolulu. In this place, “Beauty” was the last puppy to be adopted. When that happened, volunteers and staff said goodbye to him amidst applause and tears as he walked away happily in the arms of his new owner.

Without a doubt, the people of the “Human Hawaiian Society” (free translation) were very happy for this little animal, who had to, first, suffer a life on the street and then be the last on the adoption list. Even if the shelter will soon be full of puppies and it will be necessary to find suitable houses for all of them again, the truth is that finding a loving family for Beauty was a boost of spirit for the entire group of this Foundation.

The work of these animal shelters is worthy of admiration and gratitude. They are responsible for removing thousands of dogs from the streets.

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