Shepherd Of The Pyrenees: Meet This Fun Breed

Shepherd of the Pyrenees: meet this fun breed

The Pastor of the Pyrenees is one of the smallest of his group. His personality and energy make him the  ideal dog for country life. Learn more about him below.

History of the Pastor of the Pyrenees

As we can imagine, this breed is native to France, more specifically, the French Pyrenees. It is one of the oldest breeds in the country,  and although it is believed to have Asian ancestry, its exact origin is unknown.

His insight and his protective character granted him the role of messenger dog for French troops during the First World War. The breed began to be valued on the market between 1920 and 1925.  It was at this time that they began to find breeding sites to promote and maintain their characteristics.

To this day, the Pyrenees Shepherd’s sense of direction and protective instinct make him an excellent guide and defender of herds .

Morphology and characteristics

The main distinguishing feature of this breed is its coat, which varies according to the place of birth. We can find two varieties, the long-haired Shepherd of the Pyrenees and the flat-faced one.

Its athletic build and small size allow it to reach high speeds, expending a lot of energy. The Pastor of the Pyrenees is restless and needs spacious places to run and squander all his vitality.

In small houses, such as apartments, you are likely to have nervous behavior and do not deal well with loneliness. It is not necessary to have a house in the Alps to make this dog happy, but green and wide spaces are highly recommended.

His slender figure, especially fit for running, makes him resemble a hunting dog. We can also relate his temperament and appearance to those of the Australian Shepherd. Both share the same athletic build and coat characteristics. Medium in size, its height will never exceed 48 cm.

exercise and care

Every healthy dog ​​needs to exercise daily. This breed, designed to lead herds and protect them from wild animals, especially wolves, needs constant physical and mental stimulation.

Learn more about the shepherd of the Pyrenees

Previous knowledge of its characteristics and some experience as an owner are recommended before thinking about having this dog. Training classes and practicing dog sports such as Frisbee and tug of war can help keep your pet happy and relaxed.

The Pastor of the Pyrenees has a tendency to be overweight linked to a sedentary lifestyle. It is advisable to let it run freely for at least an hour a day.

Also, a balanced diet that has all the nutrient groups is essential to keep you in shape. Even so, it is also recommended to exercise it with canine sports. Many people think that an economical and effective method of feeding is leftovers, but this can affect the health and performance of the dog.

Hygiene habits

Dogs are a possible transmitter of diseases and a carrier of parasites, especially if they live in rural areas. For more detailed information about your dog’s health status, it is always advisable to go to a veterinarian.

However, following a series of instructions to ensure that our Pastor of the Pyrenees is always healthy is the best possible prevention measure.

Below, we’ll give some tips for Pastor owners who live in rural areas:

  • Regular deworming through specific pills every month and a half or 2 months.
  • Antiparasitic collar or use of similar products for dogs.
  • Cleaning: Dogs play, roll, jump and swim. In the case of the Pyrenees shepherd, his fur can be quite difficult to clean and manage. If we let plant branches, thorns and mud accumulate, their fur can become the ideal refuge for parasites.
  • Brushing: is required regularly. A seasonal haircut is great for the dog, especially in summer.

With these tips and a little patience and confidence, we will have a healthy and happy Pyrenees Shepherd.

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