Identified Woman Who Left Food Poisoned In Public Places

Identified woman who left food poisoned in public places

In early October 2014, a frightening event for those who love animals happened in Spain. It was identified in the city of Lucena, Córdoba, a woman who left food poisoned with glass and in the shape of pins in different parks in the city. The purpose was that these snacks were consumed by cats and dogs and caused the death of these animals.

The story began in the vicinity of Prudencio Uzar Square. In this place, for several months, people had been denouncing the presence of a stranger who passed by at different times of the day and left bags full of canned meat and other potentially dangerous materials in the gardens of the square .

The police began to become more interested in the case when they found that in each of the reports the description of the woman was exactly the same.

The meat-based product was also the same, as was the material used as “poison”. Given the evidence, the police came to the conclusion that it was the same person.

However, despite police efforts, the woman managed to evade police checks and continued her extermination campaign in the region for months. This cost the lives of more than one animal that even ingested the poisoned meat.

Police have doubled their efforts to try to identify the person responsible for the crimes.

For, in addition to having become a habit, placing the poisoned packages by the suspect  also risked that a child could be affected by this strategy. 

This is because the places where the snacks were placed were often close to where the playgrounds were also.

food poisoning

Fortunately, a new complaint was made on the first day of October, when a citizen neighboring the square called the police to inform them of the abandonment of packages with food, as had happened in previous times.

The difference on this occasion, in relation to previous complaints, happened because the complainant decided to follow the woman who left the packages, to inform the police of the exact address and ensure that she was arrested.

The strategy worked and the woman was arrested by the police a few moments later, inside a supermarket, where she was buying a considerable amount of canned meat.

The woman is currently facing criminal prosecution for offenses against public health and will have to pay a fine of approximately 30,000 euros if convicted, if it is proven that her conduct has placed the community at risk.

What is left of this somewhat bitter experience is to understand that it is possible to deter this type of activity against animals through denunciations and solidarity, and how the community is the fundamental base to prevent and enable the containment of this type of crime.

Next, we’ll list some important recommendations regarding animal poisoning.

Prevent your dog from being poisoned by food

How to avoid food poisoning

  • Never let go of the guide. As much as you want it, your dog should never be loose. The best way to protect him during the walks is with the use of a collar and a leash, as this will give you greater control over your activity, in addition to keeping your dog always in your field of vision.
  • Keep an eye on the area: It never hurts to pay a visit to the region or regions where you regularly walk your pet. Be wary of abandoned bags or packages and notify the police immediately if you notice suspicious activity.
  • Provide proper training: This is one of the main reasons we recommend training dogs properly. That way you’ll prevent someone from hurting you. Train the dog not to eat things on the street and not to accept food from strangers, no matter how tempting the treats may seem.
  • Don’t leave it with strangers: Don’t leave your pet with someone who wouldn’t trust your children. We are often overconfident and this can cause damage, theft or loss of our pet.

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