Environmental Enrichment For Rats

Introducing elements in their cage that favor physical exercise as well as mental stimulation, and allowing them to explore a controlled environment at home will be critical to environmental enrichment for rats.
Environmental enrichment for rats

While some people don’t like rodents, other people consider them to be sociable, friendly and unique pets. Since all animals have different needs, we explain how to prepare an environmental enrichment for pet rats.

Rats as pets

Not all rat species or all rats can be pets. Only those of specific races who were raised with human beings from a very young age. Also, these rodents live better in groups. So if you want a pet rat, it’s better if you adopt two or more together.

In order to live with any animal, you must first make sure you know its basic needs: what it feeds on, how it sleeps, or which elements are harmful, for example. Rats, in addition, need to be examined by veterinarians specializing in exotic animals.

Once your rats are already home and you know what they are eating, as well as having confirmation from the specialized veterinarian that your rats are healthy, it’s time to prepare the rest of the house.

With Environmental Enrichment for Rats, you will ensure that a suitable, safe and, above all, beneficial environment is created for them.

Rats are very active, curious and intelligent animals. Therefore, they need physical space to walk, run and even climb. But physical exercise is not enough: you must also give them mental challenges and other occupations to keep them alert. In addition, it must satisfy your need to think and solve problems.

Environmental enrichment for rats inside the cage

rats must exercise

Environmental enrichment for rats starts inside their cage. So make sure you have a cage adapted to your pet’s lifestyle. The best type of cage is multi-story and has various heights, so your rat can climb and descend, as well as climb or climb.

Inside the cage, be sure to provide different hiding places. To sleep safely, they will need small hiding places. Also, they tend to like the hammocks hanging from the cage bars and the dark tunnels through which to run and hide.

Also, find out what kind of toys they like. In addition to balls to push through their cage, you can also place ropes that they will use to move up and down the floor. However, they will also need small puzzles to keep them entertained: pieces of food hidden inside paper balls, for example.

Environmental enrichment for out-of-cage rats

Living inside the cage may not be enough for many of these animals. Outside the cage is where you can create almost all of the environmental enrichment for them. For this reason, many of the families that live with these rodents allow them to walk around the rest of the house.

However, before opening the door for rats, remember that they must always be supervised. Only then can you be sure that they are not getting into trouble, that they are not hurt, and that they are not causing damage to the house.

In the rest of your home you can easily create an environmental enrichment for rats. These animals love to navigate and know every corner and surface of the house thoroughly. That’s why you can create simple climb and descent routes for tables and furniture: for example, ropes or ropes for them to climb.

You can also place boxes or other objects in such a way that they create stairs so they can be placed on tables or shelves. If your rats are especially agile, don’t make it easy.

And, above all, change these objects often so they don’t memorize the path and have to struggle to find a new way to climb.

Take advantage of the fact that you no longer have limited cage space. Make your space a great toy.

For example, part of the environmental enrichment for rats that can be much appreciated is a cardboard box filled with Ping-Pong balls with some prizes or pieces of food: it’s like a ball pool for your pet.

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Basic security for your home mouse

When you start planning environmental enrichment for rats, be sure to consider safety. Rooms where rats can roam must be secured. Make sure there is no rodent or insect poison within reach, that there are no holes through which they can fall and injure themselves.

All materials that it can chew must also be safe. He should never have access to papers with toxic paints or paints, treated wood or toys with small pieces of plastic, as he may try to eat them.

Rats are smart animals, so you must teach them not to chew the cables of electronic devices. After all, not only will they damage them, but they could also get a shock and get badly hurt or die. Hide as many cables as you can and show that those that remain cannot be chewed.

Rats are animals that are easy to please. With the right environmental enrichment for them, they will be physically and mentally stimulated. His mood will improve and he will become more sociable so you can enjoy together for years to come.

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