The Chimpanzee: Characteristics, Behavior And Habitat

The chimpanzee: characteristics, behavior and habitat

the chimpanzee  is one of the animals that comes closest to the human species genetically , but also has a lesser known and very interesting social life.

When we talk about chimpanzees, we talk about one of the great primates, that is, one of the biggest, and also the most intelligent , all of them very related to the human being. However, the chimpanzee is the best known, as, unfortunately, their similarity to humans has made them one of the most exploited species by man.

There are four subspecies, although they are all very similar. : the western chimpanzee, the eastern chimpanzee, the Nigerian-Cameroon chimpanzee and chimpanzee. Many of them live with other great apes like the gorilla .

Chimpanzee Characteristics

This species it can weigh 70 kilos, in the case of males, because females weigh a little less . This species, in a vertical position, it can reach 1.60 meters in height , although its wingspan is much larger than that of the human species.


You chimpanzee arms are very long, which allows this species to move nimbly on four legs. or even by brachiation (a form of arboreal locomotion in which primates go from branch to branch, using only their arms) between the branches of trees.

Like us, they have an opposable thumb, which allows them, along with their great intelligence, to be experts in the use of tools. The big toe is also opposable, which makes your feet very versatile. .

At the time of reproduction, pregnancy is similar to that of the human species and can reach eight months. Puppies are weaned at age three, but take several years longer to become independent, then reach puberty at age nine. Although  a chimpanzee can live to be 60 years old .

As for food, their diet is mostly vegetarian, although they may eat some meat. In truth, chimpanzees have amazing hunting techniques to capture other primates like the colobus monkey. . Their main predators are leopards, crocodiles and snakes, but their biggest threat is us humans.

species habitat

The chimpanzee is considered an exclusive primate in Africa and its distribution has been greatly reduced in recent centuries. This species is closely related to trees, as it normally lives in tropical rainforest and savanna forests. . Currently, each subspecies occupies a niche on the continent:

  • the western chimpanzee lives in southern Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire, Nigeria and Sierra Leone.
  • the central subspecies it extends mainly through Gabon, Congo, Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea.
  • the oriental variety shares habitat in some countries like Congo, Burundi, Tanzania and Uganda, among others.
  • In the case of the Nigerian-Cameroon chimpanzee , as its name suggests, resides in these countries.

chimpanzee behavior

Chimpanzees live in societies known as “fission-fusion”, in which reproduction is promiscuous and the combinations and number of members very variable. They can live in groups of 20 individuals and reach 150 members. .

In this species, males often perform patrol work as well as compete for leadership based on strength. . However, given their tremendous intelligence, this is not always the case, the pragmatic leaders who based “their governance” on maintaining good relations with all members of the group were forgotten.

Leaders who lacked the strength but who knew how to make a good impression were also seen. . Primatologist Jane Goodall observed how a chimpanzee, weaker than the rest of the group, came to power using the drums of a camp, with which it managed to make a very loud noise and thus imposed itself on the rest.


In relation to their personality, chimpanzees are very aggressive animals and merciless wars have been observed between different groups . But in this species it was also observed an enormous empathy, sense of justice and demonstration of real pain for the death of members of the group.


This species was exploited as a pet, hunted for its meat and affected by diseases such as Ebola . On top of that, the human being used her as a pet, circus animal and even as an artist!

All this due to its tremendous physical resemblance to humans. In fact, one of the most exploited things is his fake smile: a chimpanzee smiling with a human is actually terrified, not happy. And this image is something we see in circuses and movies constantly .

Given their intelligence and the number of years they have lived with their parents (eight years), the premature separation, which is made for all these activities, causes these animals a brutal drama. , as the maternal-filial relationships of this species are very similar to those of humans.

Furthermore, all the learning and socialization that they have during childhood is thus interrupted. This, together with the fact that they are retired at the age of six (given the tremendous strength they possess), makes them live for over 40 years without being able to relate to other individuals.

That’s why there are numerous rescue centers for these animals around the world, which can be visited to let us know their sad story.

Image source: Carlos Octavio Uranga and David

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