Never Do Things Your Dog Hates

never do things your dog hates

Without realizing and thinking that these are things that do not bother our dogs and that they even like them, we can do certain things that bother and irritate our pets. Pay attention because, in the following article, we’ve included some of the things your dog hates.

For you it’s a show of affection, but for your furry one…

Although our furry one accepts many of our attitudes because he loves us, or recognizes us as an owner, there are certain issues that directly afflict him. A lot of them have to do with how we choose to pamper you. For example:

Author: M.Peinado

  • The embrace constantly. It’s just that in doing so you immobilize him and make him feel helpless and submissive.
  • Pat the head. If you pay attention, you will notice that in the face of this action, the animal closes its eyes and lowers its head, as a gesture of submission.
  • Squeeze the cheeks. It’s just that, even though it doesn’t seem like it, you’re blocking your mobility and many of your senses.

    Don’t wear clothes or costumes on him; he is a dog not a human

    Many people insist on humanizing their dogs, without respecting the particular characteristics of each species. This seems to appeal a lot to those who want to dress their dogs as if they were human beings.

    Even a big business moves around this phenomenon: exclusive designers that are renewed every season, similar clothes for owners and pets, a plethora of accessories…

    However, don’t forget that dogs are not interested in walking in fashion. And that the only thing you will cause with this is discomfort in your hair and skin problems if the tissues are inadequate.

    In fact, dogs should only wear -according to the climate of the region where they live- simple coats in winter or some protector when they go out for a walk and it rains.

    Sounds and smells your dog hates

    The ear is one of the dog’s most developed senses. He notices many sounds long before you do, and you’ve certainly noticed how dogs are affected by thunder and fireworks.

    But everyday noises, such as the vacuum cleaner or the hair dryer, can also change them. And even screams or loud music.

    There are also certain smells that, while more than pleasant to you, are often detestable to dogs and to their exceptional sense of smell. This is the case with the smells of many household cleaning products. And it’s a fact that dogs can’t stand the scents you put on. They simply prefer their natural scent.

    So, try to keep your furry away from these homemade noises and smells. Surely he will be very grateful for that.

    Other things your pet hates

    Among the many other issues that bother your dog, we can highlight :

    • Let them blow their muzzle or ears. Resist this action, although the face your furry makes is very graceful.
    • Let them touch their paw pads. These are very sensitive areas of your body and they can be tickled.

    The ideal is that you always try to put yourself in your furry’s shoes and that you start to interpret his body language to know what he likes or dislikes.

    Try to avoid doing things that upset your four-legged friend

    playing with dog

    So, now that you know some customs that your dog hates, avoid these unpleasant situations for him.

    Possibly if given enough attention, you will notice that, in some cases, he is making you notice his discomfort in different ways. A veterinarian or animal behavior specialist are good advisers in this regard. Be sure to consult them.

    And if there are children in the house, explain to them in an appropriate way what actions they should not take  so that your beloved pet does not go through these bad times.

    Also, educate your four-legged friend so that he learns to live in a house according to human criteria. Ideally, both parties should avoid things that bother them. It’s simpler than it sounds.

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