A Boy Exchanged His Birthday Presents For Pet Food

A boy exchanged his birthday presents for pet food

Loving and respecting animals is one of the acts that most dignify the human race, since it is a recognition of the dignity of these beautiful beings who throughout history have been victims of selfishness and extreme human irrationality, but also of examples of generosity like that of the boy who traded his birthday presents for pet food.

Is that although there are some animals that have been domesticated and made into pets, there are others that continue to be seen as a simple piece of meat with which to conduct different types of business, whether these businesses are lawful or not.

Fortunately, today’s article does not deal with these types of stories, but rather the opposite, where you can see how a person respects and recognizes other species as their equals, and sympathizes with those who do not have the same luck of having a home. where they can live in peace.

birthday gifts needed

boy with his presents (ration)

Source: http://www.elcolombiano.com

We are talking about Sebastian López Soler, a 6-year-old boy born in Colombia,  who became very famous on social media, asking for something very unusual as a birthday present.

It turns out that far from demanding to win some action toy, a video game or any other type of birthday gifts that children today want, this boy asked his parents to feed animals, as he himself would comment, it would be to be able to take this food to those animals that have no home and no love for an owner to take care of them.

As his parents said, this was a request that took them a little by surprise, since on his previous birthdays the little one had asked for what people his age usually ask for as a gift.

However, shortly before his party, he requested that everyone who was going to give him this kind of animal food.

a life full of animals

What is certain is that this true love that Sebastian expresses for these beings does not represent anything strange, since their presence has always existed in his life, so far from being an unusual manifestation, it is an attitude that, somehow, the most close to his family hoped.

The fact is that both his mother and father were characterized by being noble people at heart and who sympathized with animals, to the point of spending a large part of their lives helping, rescuing and creating all kinds of beings that were in danger. and that they had no place where they could live properly.

As the mother comments, this would not be the only reason why her son developed this incredible love, as her best friend is a little pig called Olivia, who is a true heart full of love, and who accompanies Sebastian everywhere and is always loving to him.

Gift to those who truly need

The admiration shown to Sebastian on social networks is indisputable, and it is much more than justified, since in a society where coldness is one of its greatest current characteristics, the innocence of a boy with this type of act is like a breath of air fresh.

Far from being a momentary occurrence, this little one accommodated each of the foods they gave him as a birthday present on his own, before going with his father to the organization “Donatón por los animales” , so that he could deliver the food and materialize his true gift. of birthday.

As Sebastian went so far as to declare, he could not conceive that in a moment of as much joy as his birthday, there were those who had nothing to eat, so he would like to take advantage of that day to receive enough food as a birthday present. to be able to fill the belly of all those who were hungry.

Without a shadow of a doubt, this is a case that demonstrates how a boy can develop, despite the innocence of his age, a reflection certain enough to be able to change the lives of many, at least for a few seconds.

Although acts like this do not change the injustices and mistreatment that other species suffer from day to day, the simple act that some of these species can eat thanks to this small gesture of love is priceless.

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