8 Animals You Didn’t Know Existed

There are many species that humans have not yet discovered. For this reason, around 20,000 new species are described every year.
8 animals you didn't know existed

The world is big enough that animals hide from man almost all the time. Little by little, however, new unique specimens are discovered that are characterized by their strange shapes, their defense mechanisms or the bright colors they use as a warning. On the planet, there are many animals that you didn’t know existed.

It is estimated that around the planet there are about 8 million species, of which about 2 million are eminently marine. Next, you will meet 8 very peculiar animal species that inhabit the land and sea.

1. Prickly Bush Viper

This viper ( Atheris hispida ) is one of the animals you didn’t know existed. It is a snake endemic to Central and Sub-Saharan Africa. It measures up to 75 centimeters and feeds on small mammals, amphibians and lizards.

Its main feature is the elongated, keel-shaped dorsal scales, which give the animal a bristly appearance. The scales of this viper are larger on the head and gradually decrease in size along the body.

This viper (Atheris hispida) is one of the animals you didn't know existed.

2. Axolotl

The axolotl ( Ambystoma mexicanum ) is a unique amphibian in the world. It lives in the Xochimilco and Chignahuapan river basins (Mexico), where it feeds on small fish and fingerlings. Therefore, it is considered a fully aquatic species, which, curiously, is one of the few amphibians that do not undergo metamorphosis. This species has enormous scientific value.

The axolotl is an animal in critical danger of extinction, as indicated by the Red List of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Unfortunately, very few specimens remain in the wild.

Due to its regenerative capacity, axolotl helps to improve limb development in vertebrates. Its body measures between 15 to 30 centimeters and is dark brown with a black back when in its natural habitat. In captivity, individuals are of varied colors such as pink, gray, green, orange or black, or even albinos.

The axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum)

3. Blue Dragon

The blue dragon is a 3 to 4 centimeter mollusk that lives in temperate and tropical ocean waters. It has a flattened frusto-conical body with 6 silver-blue and light-blue appendages. With the help of a gas bag in its stomach, it can float to the surface of the sea, where it feeds on poisonous jellyfish.

The blue dragon ( Glaucus atlanticus ) is immune to the venom of the Portuguese caravel and takes it as its own. It stores it in other special bags and, in doing so, produces one of the deadliest poisons in the world. Like most slugs, it is a hermaphrodite, but its difference is that mating occurs on the ventral part of the body and not on the right.

The Blue Dragon (Glaucus atlanticus)

4. sea sheep

The sea sheep ( Costasiella kuroshimae ) is another species of mollusk discovered in 2007. It is one of the few photosynthetic animals, as it is able to carry out photosynthesis by feeding on microscopic algae from the bottom of the sea.

These invertebrates are characterized by having a very small body – whose face resembles that of a sheep – and have colors ranging from yellowish-brown to green, blue, purple, white and brown.

Sheep (Costasiella kuroshimae)

5. Giraffe Gazelle

The giraffe gazelle ( Litocranius walleri ) is a mammal found in the savannas of East Africa. It’s one of the animals you didn’t know existed and that stands out for its long neck – similar to that of a giraffe – and its small head, similar to that of a small gazelle.

It feeds on thorny shrub shoots and, naturally, on the leaves and fruits of trees that it can easily reach thanks to its neck. Males differ from females in that they have horns that have several rings and a slightly thicker neck. It is a species that does not need to consume a lot of water, as it absorbs it from the plants it feeds on.

Giraffe gazelle: one of the animals you didn't know existed

6. Thorny Devil

The Thorny Devil ( Moloch horridus ) is a lizard endemic to Australia, especially from the arid and desert regions. It measures 20 centimeters in length, and ants are its main food source. This reptile captures them with its tongue, just like the anteaters.

A peculiarity of the Thorny Devil is that he can drink water through his skin, trapping it in the moisture in the air. It can also transport water to the mouth – through its paws – when it comes into contact with this liquid. On the other hand, it can change color to camouflage itself and, despite its appearance, it’s harmless.

Thorny devil: one of the animals you didn't know existed

7. Transparent butterfly

This insect ( Greta oto ) has a wingspan of 5 to 6 centimeters. These Lepidoptera are called transparent butterfly because of the tissue between the wing veins, which is transparent and looks like glass, as it lacks colored scales. It is a species that prefers humid environments, especially those in Central America.

Transparent butterfly: one of the animals you didn't know existed

8. Vampire Crab

The vampire crab is another one of the animals you didn’t know existed. This crustacean belongs to the genus Geosesarma, a group discovered in Asia. It is believed that there are still many species to be found. Its large bright yellow eyes contrast sharply with its purple or orange body, which measures about eight to ten inches.

Vampire crab: animals you didn't know existed

All these animal species stand out for their colors and beauty. However, don’t get confused: these colors are sometimes a warning of danger to predators, so not all are harmless. However, the biggest threat to animals you didn’t know existed is the illegal trade that puts your well-being at risk.

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