Dog Warns Of Fire And Saves His Family

Dog warns of fire and saves his family

How much should we learn from dogs! It is that  the dog is not only the man’s best friend, but also a unique being,  a special family, a loyal companion and an unconditional guardian who will always be there to protect us from any dangerous situation in which we are immersed.

When our lives are at risk, our four-legged friend’s first option is never to escape for safety,  but to do everything possible to rescue us or alert us to the situation that occurs so that we can take different types of measures with the in order to keep ourselves safe and sound.

This is what happened in the United States, when, thanks to the warning of a brave dog, 5 people were able to survive.

Imminent danger

french bulldog

The story goes back to a peaceful Miami Dade neighborhood where a happy family lived peacefully with their dog Brown,  a beautiful and friendly bulldog who was always one of the dearest neighbors, for his love of children and his respect for all other people in the community in question.

The qualifiers that weighed on this sweet dog would intensify and turn into heroic terms at dawn on December 27,  two days after a Christmas Eve celebration, where he could not play for long with the little ones, due to his fear. they produced the artificial fires.

In those early Sunday hours, Brown couldn’t sleep peacefully when he smelled a very particular scent. As he followed his nose to find out what it was,  Brown realized that a fire was taking place in his home,  and his family was in grave danger.

Flame alert

As he couldn’t have access to his family’s rooms, the 40kg bulldog went out to alert his neighbor Ángel Suárez,  who commented that when he heard the dog barking, he knew something was going on, as it didn’t usually bark at those hours of the morning.

When he went out to answer the dog’s call, he watched in terror as the flames began to reproduce in the house, a  situation in which he would start screaming along with Brown with all his strength to wake up the residents of the place, who were sleeping soundly and not they knew what was going on.

Fortunately, they managed to wake up and,  when they became aware of the fire, the 5 family members would run away to finally be unharmed and not suffer any kind of damage.

If they had stayed inside for a few more minutes, it would have turned into a terrible tragedy,  as the flames would have ended up engulfing much of the home, especially the bedrooms.

Brown, the hero of Miami Dade

Once the authorities were present at the scene of the incident, they continued to investigate all the details for several hours, without being able to concretely determine the cause of the fire, even though it  is presumed that it had originated from an electrical problem.

The only certainty was that this morning  the dog Brown became a true celebrity when he rescued his family from an extremely dangerous and delicate situation.

firefighter dog

Belgian Shepherd

Cases like Brown’s are the ultimate example of how  dogs, beyond any obstacle, can protect humans even in situations of extreme danger.

It is no coincidence that in every firefighter squad the presence of a dog is common, which helps them to rescue people  who are still inside the place of occurrence, since their smell and physical abilities make them suitable for this type of mission.

Dogs selected for these tasks must be very active and non-aggressive. They should also be of medium size, which is why the most used breeds for these activities are:

  • Dalmatian;
  • Belgian Shepherd;
  • Labrador Retriever;
  • Shar Pei;
  • German Shepherd.

Without a doubt,  dogs are not only man’s best friend, but they are also four-legged heroes  that we must learn from every day.

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