Dental Implants In Dogs

Dental implants in dogs

In addition to aesthetic considerations, dogs can benefit from mastication (and hence digestion) and avoid weakening the bone structure by mouth.

For many pet owners, it may seem awkward to take their pets to the dentist. However, veterinary dentistry is a specialization that is growing in many countries. , such as England and the United States.

In addition to basic oral care and treatments, dental implants in dogs are also becoming more popular.

Currently, Dental implants for dogs are considered cosmetic procedures in canine dentistry. Its placement can have positive effects on chewing and, consequently, on digestion.

Next, we invite you to learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of dental implants in dogs.

How are dental implants in dogs?

Dental implants in dogs have the same principle as implants for humans. The dental procedure includes the replacement of a damaged, lost or missing tooth piece.

The dentist replaces the natural tooth with an artificial piece that must be fitted as a permanent accessory.

Before fixing the artificial tooth in the corresponding place, the dentist will need to insert a titanium screw.

This element will serve as the basis for the support of the artificial piece (a kind of ‘artificial root’). Then, the ceramic covered outer piece can be screwed and accommodated in the animal’s gums.

It must be clarified that the implantation of artificial parts is completely painless for the animal.

This procedure is done under general anesthesia; this to maintain the animal’s well-being and ensure the safety of the procedure.

dog teeth

When is the placement of dental implants indicated?

Dental implants are recommended for all dogs that have lost a tooth. However, the feasibility of the procedure in each animal must be analyzed by a specialist in canine veterinary dentistry, especially when dealing with older dogs, with more fragile health conditions.

To check the dog’s general and dental health, the veterinarian may order clinical examinations and X-rays of teeth and gums; in these tests, it is possible to see the real state of the animal’s teeth.

Before inserting an implant, the professional must check if the bone structure of the mouth is able to support the artificial part. In some cases, a bone mass graft can be used to obtain an ideal surface for the implant. 

Complementing the absence or loss of a tooth with an artificial implant, the dog’s digestive process can benefit . The food chewing function will be performed correctly.

Chewing is the first step in digestion, as it allows you to start assimilating protein and fiber molecules. Therefore, it can be said that dental implants in dogs are functional and go beyond a simple aesthetic “adornment”.

dog teeth

Advantages of Dental Implants in Dogs

Over the past few times, several scientific studies have been done; they looked at how dental implants impact pets’ quality of life. Next, we’ll look at their conclusions about the advantages of dental implants in dogs.

Experts point out that the greatest benefit of dental implants for dogs is to prevent the loss of bone mass in the jaw.

When the animal loses a tooth, this “free” space generates a “compensatory” bone contraction. And given the loss of two or more teeth, bone mass damage can become important.

The absence of teeth can also significantly impair our partners’ digestion. Don’t forget that a complete dentition is essential for optimal chewing and subsequent nutrient assimilation.

On the other hand, dogs that lose their teeth are often more exposed to the tongue. In addition to being considered aesthetically unpleasant, this extreme exposure can become the gateway to numerous pathogens.

In addition, some experts also say that dogs’ self-esteem can be weakened. AND This claim lacks scientific evidence, among other things, because of the difficulty in measuring the psychological impact of missing canine teeth.


Dental implants in dogs are functional to improve chewing; also to prevent the bone structure of your mouth from weakening. Furthermore, they could positively impact your social life and your self-confidence.

However, this procedure can be costly and its long-term impacts on the dog’s quality of life have not been sufficiently studied.

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