Homemade Shampoo For Your Dog

The first thing you should take into account when making a homemade shampoo for your dog is that it cannot contain alcohol.
Homemade shampoo for your dog

There are many products for the hygiene and cleaning of pets on the market. Some are better quality than others, with results that can vary depending on a large number of factors. But there is always the option of making a homemade shampoo for your dog.

When bathing your dog, many prefer to choose a homemade product, among other reasons, it is the only way to know in detail what is being used in your pet.

Another reason to avoid commercial formulas is that they sometimes turn out to be counterproductive. It is not uncommon to have adverse reactions after the application of a liquid that promised to leave the animal’s fur and skin not only clean, but also strong and healthy.

It is relatively simple and quick to make products at home to properly wash a dog’s fur. The ingredients that form the basis of these preparations are easy to obtain. There is nothing extraordinary, expensive or that should be imported from distant places or countries.

What not to use when making homemade dog shampoo

Alcohol, or any product that includes it in its composition, is the first thing that should be avoided when making a homemade shampoo for dogs, as well as perfumes or additives.

Formulas for humans are prohibited. Bathing the dog with the shampoo in the shower is one of the biggest mistakes that can be made.

Only mild solutions for babies, in small amounts and diluted in water, can be applied to pets.

puppy bath

Always observe if, after a bath, redness, hives or any other adverse reaction appear. Also notice if the fur remains shiny and doesn’t start to fall out uncontrollably. This must be done regardless of whether you are using homemade preparations or commercial products.

Oat-based shampoo

This product is especially suitable for animals with sensitive skin. This includes those who are often affected by irritations.

It is also a shampoo suitable for animals that scratch themselves desperately, to the point of causing injuries, in the midst of futile attempts to remove fleas and other parasites from the skin.

For its preparation, you need half a cup of oatmeal, half a cup of baking soda and half a cup of cold water.

First, mix the oats and baking soda in a bowl. Finally, add water. If it gets too thick, you can choose to add another half cup of water little by little.

This shampoo is highly recommended for dogs that need more intense hygiene routines, either due to their own habits or due to the conditions of the spaces they occupy. In a tightly closed glass container, you can keep it for several days in the refrigerator.

With rosemary scent

The Rosmarius officinalis , known in Spain and Latin America as rosemary, is a Mediterranean plant that, in addition to providing a very pleasant aroma, is a very effective fungicide. Its presence quickly repels fleas, which are always uncomfortable and dangerous.

dog taking a shower

To prepare a homemade shampoo useful in preventing and fighting canine dermatitis, combine two tablespoons of rosemary powder with a medium cup of apple cider vinegar and a grated glycerin soap. Mix everything in a liter of water.

Method of preparation

  • The first step in its preparation is to bring the water to a boil.
  • Add the rosemary and let it sit for 15 minutes.
  • Then add the grated glycerin soap. This must be done slowly.
  • The mixture must be stirred constantly to dissolve without forming lumps.

If the resulting consistency is too thick, an additional cup of hot water can be added. Finally, pour in the apple cider vinegar and stir until all ingredients are perfectly integrated. Place the preparation in a glass bottle and allow it to cool before using.

Homemade flea shampoo

A very simple recipe. Dissolve five tablespoons of mild baby shampoo in half a cup of apple cider vinegar and a cup of water.

When the three elements are well integrated, it can be applied to the pet. In order for this preparation to eliminate as many fleas as possible, you should let it act for five minutes before rinsing.

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