Why Does My Cat Bite Me Every Time I Try To Touch Him?

The reason a kitten bites a finger or a foot may be motivated by the cat’s own hunting instinct, though it may also be due to a show of affection. But in that case, they won’t use their teeth hard.
Why does my cat bite me every time I try to touch him?

There are many words that are used to define a kitten. Unpredictable is usually what suits them best. Today, we ‘re going to try to explain why your cat sometimes bites when you want to pet him.

The instincts of a natural hunter

There are several reasons why our purring friends can bite if touched . To understand one of the main reasons for this feline attitude, we must first understand its nature.

Let’s start from the basis that the kitten is a hunter and an expert at chasing and capturing its prey. Feline babies learn hunting techniques by playing with each other.

Once separated from mother and siblings, and if there is no toy between our hands and them, they  are more likely to “hunt” the extremities of our upper limbs, or our legs and feet.

In any case, you should know that  the cat often bites as a show of affection. It’s very likely that as a way to return the love you’re giving him, he’ll nibble your hand. However, in these cases, he does not usually use his  teeth  with force.

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Learn to decipher your kitten’s behavior

If you look closely at your pet, you should learn to notice when the kitten says, “Enough is enough.” It’s that, despite having been the one who asked for affection, when he gets tired, he bites to tell us that he doesn’t want to be touched anymore.

Sometimes,  he might also swipe your hand away with his paw or give us a scratch. In general, these actions don’t hurt us as they are performed lightly and moderately.

So  if you want to avoid this cat reaction, make sure your pet wasn’t warning you with its body language.  For example:

  • Putting your ears back.
  • Moving the tail non-stop.
  • Trying to run away from your contact.

caresses and bites

In addition to being unpredictable, we must emphasize that there is no  Felis catus  equal to another. Every animal is a world. That’s why not everyone likes caressing the same parts of the body. What some like is disliked by others.

In addition,  there are cats that spend their lives receiving affection and others that require little and in small doses. So if you want to get along with your cat, learn to decipher his likes and dislikes. And don’t force him to be petted.

if your cat bites you

It is rare for a kitten to resist cuddling on the sides of the face or under the chin. The spine can also be a good place to pet them, but while some like to be touched on their bellies, others hate it.

It will be a matter of trial and error. And  maybe you’ll have to put up with the weird bite until you learn to detect the permissible and prohibited zones for these purposes.

Other reasons why the cat bites

But since it’s not all flowers in the relationship with these beautiful cats,  there are times when they can react violently and try to bite us hard and even scratch us.  This usually happens if the animal is scared or feels threatened in different situations.

It can also  happen that the cat is sick or has some kind of pain and reacts aggressively  when we try to touch it.

In these cases, it  is important to avoid contact with the kitten if we do not want to get hurt. The recommendation is, if it is within our reach, to stop and let the animal calm down before touching it again.

However,  if the cat bites constantly, and outside of normal parameters, you may need to consult an animal behavior specialist. It is very likely that the kitten has had poor socialization or has been through a traumatic situation at some point in its life.

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