How To Get Rid Of A Cat’s Stench Without Bathing It

Maybe the word “hate” is a little strong, but we haven’t found another one that better describes your pet’s feeling about water. 
How to get rid of a cat's stench without bathing it

Cats hate water and, although they are obsessed with cleanliness, in some situations they can end up smelling bad. At such times, we hesitate trying to find a way to clean them without throwing them underwater. Don’t worry, today we’ll teach you how to get rid of the cat’s stench without bathing him.

Why do cats hate water?

Maybe the word “hate” is a little strong, but we haven’t found another one that better describes your pet’s feeling about water. Maybe there are cats that don’t mind being under the faucet,  but those that don’t turn into wild beasts . Accidental attacks on owners in an attempt to escape the bath are not uncommon.

Of course, if a kitten grows up by a lake and has nowhere else to go, its instinct will sooner or later lead it to dive into the water. So it’s not that cats have a natural fear of water. As they are not used to it, experiencing it for the first time can be a little traumatic.

Much of the blame for this fear is ours, as we spread and believe the myth that cats don’t need a bath. What’s the problem with giving a bath, anyway? They won’t shrink…

A bath every now and then, with the right products, can prevent the animal from having parasites and improve the appearance of its fur and skin. That way, if your pussy is used to taking a bath every month since a puppy, it will put aside the fear of water.

How to get rid of a cat’s stench without bathing it

If your pet is already an adult, it will be very difficult to get him used to water,  since, as we said, this process should start in childhood. So, as you can’t do anything to make your pet like the water, you have to learn to remove the bad smell without bathing it.

  • Dry shampoo. At pet shops and veterinary clinics, you can find a spray that, when applied to your pet, works like a dry shampoo. Be careful with his eyes and spread the product well all over his body. The best way to do this is to brush it to spread the shampoo over your skin. Let it act for a few minutes, during which you will have to entertain the cat to prevent it from licking itself, and remove excess product with a comb and towel.
  • Depending on your cat’s lifestyle, the  spray  we’ve mentioned may not be necessary. If he doesn’t usually leave the house alone,  combing him every two or three days is  enough to remove the dirt from his fur.
  • Clean the most dirty parts. When cats need to, they can leave pee residues or feces on the skin, giving off an unpleasant smell. Clean these areas with a soft towel that won’t hurt his skin every time he goes to the litter box.
  • Clean the straw.  Believe me, the secretion that accumulates in the eyes of animals has a very strong smell. Gently clean your cat’s eyes every day. For this, use a small cotton moistened with water.

As you can see, keeping your cat clean is not complicated. Remember that your pet’s hygiene is up to you. After all, this is part of the responsibilities you took on in adopting it.

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