7 Tips To Help Give Birth To Your Cat

When assisting in the delivery of your cat, you should avoid physical contact with the kittens and make sure that the mother has been able to expel all placentas.
7 tips to help give birth to your cat

Although pets do not need help bringing their puppies into the world, as owners we can be there to provide assistance if needed. In the following article, we’ll give you some tips so you can help give birth to your cat.

Advice to help give birth to your cat

After detecting that your cat is pregnant and taking her to the vet to make sure everything is perfect, it’s time to prepare for the time of delivery.

Undoubtedly, this is a very beautiful stage for your pet and, for you, one of great responsibility. Many owners make the mistake of intruding on the cat’s birth and thus end up being injured by her scratches or causing problems for the kittens or the mother.

So if you want to be helpful during your cat’s delivery, pay attention to the following tips:

1. Prepare a perfect birthplace

The veterinarian will tell you the approximate date of birth of the puppies. A few days in advance, you should have a comfortable, quiet, and pleasant place for mom.

You can put blankets, pillows, or even rags on your bed. Remember that they will need to be discarded because they will get dirty.

Choose a place where no one bothers her and where she can care for her newborn babies, especially areas with little movement, which are not near doors or windows and whose temperature is pleasant all the time.

2. Pay attention to signs

When the cat is about to give birth, she will have some behavior changes and will show very specific symptoms. For example, she will breathe raggedly, sigh, cry, lick her vulva continuously, or be a little listless, not wanting to contact anyone.

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3. Don’t intervene just for intervening

Certainly your intention will be good and you don’t want to see it suffer, but you must understand that the animal has its own instinct and knows how to act in this situation. Stay by her side to give her security and reassurance, but not to make her nervous.

4. Watch each kitten’s birth

The first thing that will come out will be the amniotic fluid, and after that, the first kitten. Between births, perhaps thirty minutes or an hour pass. Pay attention to the movements of the puppies and make sure they are in good condition.

5. Don’t touch the puppies

Although you need to ensure that the puppies are doing well, it is not allowed to have physical contact with them. This is because the mother is responsible for breaking the pouch (placenta) and then licking them to clean them and help them breathe.

If you notice that the mother is not doing this, it may be because she is too tired, suffering too much, or because another pup is about to be born. In this case, you can wrap the baby in a clean, dry towel and rub for a minute before returning him to bed.


6. Make sure the placentas have been expelled

Each cat is born in an individual placenta, so there must be the same number of placentas and kittens. Pay attention that during the birth of your cat, she can eat them, as they have a lot of nutrients and this is exactly what she needs to recover from the ‘work’ she is doing.

7. Do not cut the umbilical cord

Again, the mother is responsible for this task and will do this after ensuring that the pup is doing well, breathing, and completely out of the placenta. It can be dangerous to try to cut it with scissors.

The birth of your cat is a special moment, that’s why we recommend that you be a spectator who, if necessary, will help and help. But don’t forget that ‘nature is wise’ and that she knows what she’s doing… even if she’s a first-time mom!

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