Games To Do At Home With Your Dog On Rainy Days

Games to do at home with your dog on rainy days

For times of the year when rains are more and more frequent, it is necessary to have a strategy so that our pets will not pass out, especially if they have to stay several days at home. For this, we bring you some game tips to play at home with your dog on rainy days.

Why play with them?

Playing is one of the most important activities you can do with your pet, not only because it benefits the relationship and strengthens bonds, but also because it helps the dog expend energy and avoid building up the stress that comes from being locked up at home.

Part of the dog’s emotional health is related to the amount of activities he performs, regardless of whether these imply physical wear or not. Basically, what the dog needs is to be busy.

Taking a few moments of the day to play with him some games that stimulate his intelligence, challenge him and stimulate him will be very valuable, especially on days when your dog cannot leave the house and boredom can be a real threat.

Playing with your dog at home avoids some situations

owner playing with her dog

Boredom and energy accumulation unfold into different behavior problems, for example:

  • Urinate and defecate in places not designated for this purpose;
  • Damage to your objects;
  • Excessive barking;
  • Stress-derived illnesses.

Therefore, below we will give you some ideas so that you can develop games with your dog and thus help his physical and emotional stability:

Treasure hunt

A perfect game for rainy days and that involves an activity they enjoy a lot, tracing, together with the sense they have more developed, smell.

The game is very simple:

Hide a treat in your house while your dog is in another room of the house. Then let him in and tell him the places he should look in the “search” order.

This game will take a bit of time, but as he understands what it’s about, he will show more agility.

Hide and seek

Another game that can entertain your dog is hide and seek. You can play it with your dog in two ways:

  • Ask someone to hold your dog while you hide, then whistle or some other signal for the person to release your pet. Try to get the dog’s attention without being too obvious.  You’ll see how he starts looking for you.
  • If you have space, you can throw a ball or other toy he likes. So when he goes after the ball or the toy, you run for cover.  When he returns with the toy, he will go looking for you so that they can continue with the activity.

the ladder game

dog playing

Sound complicated? But it is not. The ladder game was developed for those dogs that usually have a lot of energy.

The objective is to tire the dog as much as possible without exhausting you in the process, especially if you already have the elements in your house that can help you in this game.

In this case we are referring, of course, to the stairs in your house. Take your dog’s favorite toy, throw it down the stairs and order your dog to pick it up.

As soon as he brings you the ball, throw it again. You will see how in addition to having fun, your dog will quickly tire.

Games developed by you

Keep in mind that, to entertain your dog, creativity is your main tool. No complicated articles or many resources are needed.

You simply must keep in mind that these are good sized objects so that he doesn’t swallow them, that parts don’t come off and that they aren’t made with materials that can hurt or harm your dog in any way.

So have fun looking for materials with which you can make things for your dog: they can be simple frozen soups, sticks or balls made from rags. The important thing is that you develop a strategy for your dog to stay distracted.

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