10 Benefits Of Having A Cat At Home

10 benefits of having a cat at home

They are beautiful, clean and do not require your continuous attention. These are just some of the reasons why the number of cat fans is increasing. If you are not yet determined to adopt one, we recommend you to read the following article, where we will tell you what are  the benefits of having a cat at home.

What are the benefits of having a cat at home?

Having a pet at home is wonderful. But each species is different and not always in tune with our personality or habits. If you’re thinking about having a kitten, we’ll give you just a  few reasons about the benefits :

kitten on the piano keys

  1. are hygienic

Cats are among the cleanest animals there are … And among pets, it is undoubtedly the most hygienic. They continually lick and wash after doing their needs, coming back from the garden, playing and even after being touched by a person.

He won’t give you any cleaning work … He’ll take care of it himself! But you must comply with treatments to eliminate fleas and ticks.

  1. give you true love

Although it is often said that cats are independent and skittish, the truth is that they also  express their affection in many ways and love to be pampered. The relationship we have with our kitten is authentic, intense and deep.

Don’t forget that cats establish certain connections with their owners (or at least one of the family members), both emotionally and spiritually. If a cat chooses you, then you will be their favorite person.

  1. Do your needs alone

Unlike dogs, it’s not necessary to take them for a walk to do their chores, as cats only need a clean litter box to do in it. This is perfect if you are away from home for many hours or don’t have time to walk your pet.  Once he learns how to use the sandbox, he won’t need anything else.

  1. are silent

Although, when puppies, they can be a little mischievous (especially due to the curiosity of the pussies),  cats spend a lot of time sleeping and when they wake up they are usually very discreet. They can walk before us without realizing it. This is due to their pads under their paws.

They only meow when they are hungry or bored. But they won’t make noise at any other time of day.

  1. Adapt to small spaces

This is one of the main reasons people living in cities prefer cats as pets. If you live in a small apartment…  A feline will be perfect because it doesn’t need a lot of space to play, eat, sleep or do whatever.

  1. are independent

This can be a benefit or a disadvantage. However, cat autonomy is welcome for people who travel a lot or who work more than 8 hours a day. You can go out in the morning and come back at night and even get away on the weekend without worrying about your cat. All he needs is a plate full of food, another full of water, and his litter box clean.

  1. improve our health

Cats bring many benefits to the people who live with them. There are studies that claim they  have the ability to make us relax and reduce stress. If you cuddle or sleep with your pet, your blood pressure will drop. It will also balance your heart rate and breathing.

  1. Get along well with children and the elderly

white kitten

If you have children at home, the cat will be your adventurous friend, especially if you adopt one as a puppy. And in the case of elderly people, they are a perfect companion. As they don’t need much maintenance or care, they don’t become a problem.

  1. are the best therapy

Therapists and psychologists advise their patients to adopt a cat when they feel lonely, depressed, or distressed. Increasingly, the number of cats that help autistic people to communicate is increasing,  as, when petting the animal, they raise their level of confidence.

  1. Guaranteed fun

You can play with them when you get home from work, live unforgettable moments, have a friend for your leisure time… And he will always be the protagonist of your gracious photos and videos. Did you see? There are a multitude of benefits to having a cat at home, no doubt about it.

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