Kitten Used As A Toy For Dogs Is Rescued

Kitten used as a toy for dogs is rescued

A kitten used as a toy for dogs that had been abandoned in a box on the street, dyed in blue paint, is recovering from multiple injuries at a refuge in California, USA.

The story of Smurf, a kitten used as a toy for dogs

The little animal was named Smurf, as it was found painted blue. This is the fact that raises suspicions that the little feline was used as a toy for some dog.

kitten suckling

The kitten had around 20 wounds caused by punctures distributed throughout its body, caused by dog ​​bites it received. For this reason, it was necessary to perform an exploratory surgery to search for internal wounds, given the severity of their external injuries.

At the time of rescue, Smurf was around 2 months old and weighed just over a pound. It was found on a street in the city of San José, inside a cardboard box, along with scraps of fabric and pieces of lemon.

The noble soul who found him took Smurf to a local refuge, who decided to transfer him to a protective association in Redwood City.

a new opportunity

In the midst of his misfortune, Smurf was lucky to be taken in by Nine Live (Nine Lives), a foundation that performs, among other jobs, the respectable task of helping abandoned cats or cats that are candidates for sacrifice in other shelters.

For example, animals:

  • Very thin;
  • Of old age;
  • With behavior problems;
  • Wounded;
  • Sick.

The Foundation is characterized by using euthanasia as a last resort, in irreversible cases and just to prevent an animal from continuing to suffer.

Everyone wants to adopt the blue kitten

When Smurf’s story became public, thousands of adoption requests were received by Nine Lives, including from abroad. In addition, many people went to the association to meet him in person.

However, Mônica Rudiger, the association’s director, warns that most of those interested were attracted only by the detail of the blue color, since there are a lot of cats waiting to be adopted and that do not arouse the same enthusiasm.

But Rudiger also fears that Smurf the blue kitten’s tragic mistreatment story inspires inhumane people to use other cats as toy or bait for dogs. Without going too far, every now and then we’re thrilled with news or videos posted on the network of cats torn apart by dogs being trained for fights.

The director also warns about the dangers that animals that are dyed are subject to, which may even cause their death by intoxication.

A kitten with a lot of love to give

Meanwhile, Smurf  is recovering successfully, and has befriended Wanda, a white and black kitten who is blind, and shares his days in association with her.

When he finishes his treatment and manages to recover the original color of his fur – probably gray or black – he will be put up for adoption along with Wanda, his inseparable friend. They will be given to people who love them beyond the curious fact about Smurf’s artificial color.

Even with its terrible experience, the kitten is extremely affectionate. Another demonstration of all the affection that animals can give us, despite some humans being cruel to them.

The stories that aren’t news


But there are hundreds of thousands of stories like Smurf’s that don’t make the news:

  • Cats that live on the streets without any kind of control or assistance;
  • Shelters full of dogs and cats that were found by their own luck;
  • Innocent beings who are victims of different types of abuse and cruelty.

If you are thinking about having a pet, adopt. In this way, you will be contributing so that a pet finds the opportunity to have the good life it deserves.

Image credits: sausyn.

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