Is It Allowed To Take A Dog To A River?

Is it allowed to take a dog to a river?

In Brazil, the legislation does not say anything about taking the dog to a river, but in any case, it is necessary to take certain precautions and respect other users.

Summer and holidays are coming and there’s nothing better than going for a swim with our pet. Therefore, the question arises whether it is possible to take the dog to a river or whether there is any law that prohibits this.

Unlike other countries, in Brazil there is no rule or exclusive law that regulates the access of dogs to a river.

However, there are places that do not allow the entry of dogs. This depends on where you go and what time of year.

Taking the dog to a river: a good idea?

At first, there is nothing to stop it. Fun is not just for humans, but also for dogs. They have fun accompanying their owners on tours and excursions.

A day on the river will be ideal for the dog to take a bath, refresh himself and have his leisure time in a new environment.  And it’s not just the animal that will like it, its owner will also have a great experience.

Tips for refreshing your dog in intense summers

Intense heat not only affects the animal’s energy and mood, it can also cause the so-called heat strokes.

Therefore, it is important to take into account some advice during the summer, so that your dog enjoys more and feels cooler.

dog with heat stroke

Here are some tips for the summer that should not be forgotten:

good hydration

Hydration is as important to people as it is to animals. It is extremely important  that the dog has fresh, clean water throughout the day.

Above all, you need to pay special attention to your pet in summer as the water can evaporate or heat up.

A good way to ensure hydration is to place drinking fountains in the different places where the dog rests.

And if you decide to take your dog to a river, it’s important to make sure he drinks water. For this, a portable drinking fountain is very useful.

Watering it is a good way to keep it cool.

To lower the animal’s body temperature, it  is very positive to get its head and body wet.  In addition to a domestic pool, a day on the river can be a mix of body hydration and health.

dog bathing in the river

Precautions for taking the dog to a river

While there seems to be no risk to spending a day with your friend on a river, there is some very helpful advice. So don’t forget:

  • When you’re in the bath space, protect your best friend from excessive sun, even with sunscreen.  You can find specific products on the market.
  • Another important aspect is taking care of the foot pads. Usually, the sand and stones around rivers have a high temperature, which can hurt the dog. For this, u get pillow protectors.
  • Observe if there is in the water or around the river any shards of glass, aluminum cans or anything else that could harm the animal.
  • It is possible that some areas of the river are very deep. It’s best to make sure the dog bathes in an area where the water doesn’t completely cover him.
  • Along with the previous item, we must bear in mind that there are people who bathe in rivers and who do not like dogs.  In these cases, the ideal is to find a balance between our fun and respect, so as not to disturb others.

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