Exotic Cats: 5 Breeds You Must Know

Hairless, looking like big cats, “earless” or with different colored eyes. These pussies draw attention wherever they go.
Exotic Cats: 5 Breeds You Need to Know

Thanks to their particular traits, as there are few specimens around the world and, in some cases, they live for a few years, exotic cats call our attention a lot. In this article, we’ll tell you about some of the most amazing breeds.

exotic cat breeds

Perhaps you are looking for a pet “that no one owns” or that is very different from what you are used to. Exotic cats are a good way to enjoy the company of a domestic feline and, at the same time, not compromise on originality. Some of the breeds are the result of natural mutations. Others, in turn, are due to human intervention.

Check out five exotic cat breeds below:

1. Sphynx

Also known as “sphinx” in Portuguese, this feline appeared around the 70s.  Its main characteristic is the lack of body hair. In fact, the coat is so fine and short that it appears to be non-existent. As it does not have any special protection, the sphynx is very vulnerable to cold and sun.

Sphynx kitten

In addition, the sphynx has a small head relative to its body and large pointed ears. Another characteristic physical trait of this breed is the large eyes, which give it a very penetrating look.

2. Savannah

If you’ve always wanted a big cat at home, but you know it’s impossible, then this cat breed is the right choice. It is one of the “newest”, as it was only officially recognized in 2001.

savannah cat

The savannah emerged as a combination between a common cat and certain breeds of wild African cats. For this reason, the spotted coat is very similar to that of a leopard or an ocelot. The savannah is also a large animal compared to the rest. It can weigh 15 kilos, while normal for a cat is just four kilos.

3. Scottish fold

This is one of the most striking exotic cats, as it  appears to have no ears. The Scottish fold actually has ears, but they are very small and “fall” into the head. This breed is of Scottish origin and arose from the crossing of a Swedish female and a British shorthair male.

Scottish fold

The same genetic mutation that makes this breed so different also causes early arthritis, a very painful disease. The Scottish Fold looks like a plush, with a very pretty face and eyes. It’s also friendly, easygoing and gets on very well with children and other animals.

4. Khao manee

It is a natural breed from Thailand, where it has been known for hundreds of years. This cat’s name means “white yolk” in the local language. In the rest of the world, however, it is known as “diamond eyed cat”. This is because it has different colored irises (light blue and green).

cat with eyes of different colors

In addition, khao manee has completely white fur, athletic and muscular body. Cats of this breed are also known for their curiosity, intelligence and communication skills.

5. LaPerm

Our last breed of exotic cat appeared “by chance” in the United States, in 1982, thanks to a genetic mutation in just one member of the litter. When he was born, the female that gave rise to the LaPerms was the same as the brothers, but had very few hairs.

LaPerm cat

When the kitten first reproduced, she gave birth to five males with very soft, curly fur, of different colors. The LaPerm’s tail is hairier than the rest of its body. And as for temperament, this breed is very active, friendly and very affectionate.

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