Every Caress From Us Makes Our Dog Happier

Every caress from us makes our dog happier

From the first time our dog came home, we saw clearly how much he needs us to love us. . His love is unconditional from the first day he entered our lives and he is always grateful for any gesture of love we make for him, however small.

Your dog has turned living together into a petting game that cannot be ignored, because he will ask for them himself . He will never allow you to leave the house kissing your partner or your children without stroking him too. He’ll be looking at you sadly, like Shrek’s cat, remember? Who can resist that look?

It’s true that there are times when your pet is more independent, when, no matter how hard you insist, it won’t pay attention to you. How do you know if your dog is receptive?

Affection when he wants, not when you want

affection in the dog

Author: slowdevil

One of the biggest discontents many people have with cats is that they are very independent animals, but there are times when dogs are too. They often remain alone in a room in the house or under the bed or on their favorite sofa. and no matter how much you call them because you want to cuddle, they ignore you .

Dogs love to be petted, but sometimes they need their space. They decide when, where and who. But when they want our affection, there’s nothing to stop them , they look for us without stopping until they get what they want.

How do they seek your affection

There are many ways to know how and when your dog wants to be petted. AND everything starts at the beginning of the day . When you wake up, or rather when your alarm goes off, your dog hears you before you and will wildly jump on your bed, licking you in the mouth, in the nose, in the ears! Your first reaction is to get a little annoyed and think “how disgusting!” . You pick it up and tell it to be quiet.

Again, he looks at you like Shrek’s cat and you just smile and start stroking him as he goes back and forth on his back and starts walking on all fours simultaneously on the bed as he approaches you. We all like to receive affection, but we like to give it to people (or animals) who know how to appreciate it. .

When he decides it’s time to get up, the chase begins. Your dog follows you wherever you go, as if asking “who told you it’s over?” . Not hungry. Just one more caress, or two, or a few hundred more.

But you have run out of time and need to go to work. You put food in, take a quick walk for him to take care of his needs (don’t complain, you petted him again in the elevator) and, after looking in the mirror for the last time, walk out the door. Come out and close it behind you when… no, you can’t leave without giving it one last caress. You already hear your crying and it makes you feel like a bad person.

You open the door again and he’s as crazy as if he hasn’t seen you in five hours. V you give him the last caress and assure him you’ll be back soon . This time he doesn’t cry when you close the door; his affection was missing.

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Coming home from work… well, you know, total hysteria followed by the chase. So, as I sit on the couch, there he is, beside her leg, pushing and pushing, asking for her caress. But at nightfall comes your moment of independence . The moment when you don’t care about anything else, because you’re immersed in your work, until you realize it’s been a while since you’ve seen it.

You call him and call him again, but he doesn’t come, he doesn’t appear. Did you leave the door open? You start looking until you find it there, hidden as if fleeing your caresses, although it doesn’t last long. Soon he will return to your arms.

It’s just that he can’t help it. It doesn’t matter if it’s morning, noon or night. Your dog cannot live your affection. Every time you pet your dog, he becomes happier, and happiness is essential to live .

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