Papillon Or Continental Dwarf Spaniel: Learn More!

This breed, with over 300 years of history, is small and has an iron health. This dog has an active, playful and affectionate character. Furthermore, it is an animal that adapts perfectly to family life.
Papillon or continental dwarf spaniel: learn more!

The papillon or continental dwarf spaniel is  a small dog of Franco-Belgian origin. This animal has ideal characteristics for living in an apartment. In this article, we’ll tell you a little more about the breed’s origin, appearance and personality.

race origin

Although there are no specific details about the breed’s history,  experts conclude that it is a fairly old breed, over 300 years old. In fact, in French paintings from the 18th and 19th centuries, it is possible to see companion dogs very similar to the current pattern.

Despite its long history, the breed standard is relatively recent, existing concretely since 1990.  In it, papillon is placed in group nine, according to the classification of the International Cynological Federation.

Physical appearance of papillon

We are facing a toy- type dog . This animal has  a harmonious structure, with a body that is wider than it is tall. Your head is proportional to the rest of your body. The muzzle is moderately long,  although shorter than the skull. Its nasofrontal depression is clearly visible, especially in smaller specimens.

Papillon Features

In the context of competitions, two categories are differentiated by size:

  • One weighing less than 2.5 kilos, both males and females.
  • One weighing 2.5 to 4.5 kilograms in males and 2.5 to 5 in females.

Regarding the hair, papillon has a single, abundant, shiny and wavy layer. The fur looks similar to that of the English spaniel, but it clearly differs from the fur of the Pekinese spaniel. It must not bear any resemblance to the Pomeranian lulu. All colors are allowed on a white background, which must predominate on the body and extremities.

papillon personality

Papillon, like most small and group 9 dogs, is  playful, affectionate and vivacious. It adapts very well to small apartments  and is ideal for city life.

Comportamento do Papillon

Papillon care and health

Its coat is delicate and requires some care.  It is advisable to take him to get the breed cut right at least twice a year. Likewise, a weekly brushing is advisable so that you don’t shed too much hair.

Despite its delicate appearance, the  papillon is a hardy breed and no special incidence of disease has been reported. However, to ensure that our pet is healthy, we must take him to the vet. In this way, it is possible to carry out regular checks and ensure that your diet is complete and balanced.

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