Tips For Traveling With Your Dog

In addition to taking your belongings and choosing quiet places so as not to increase stress, it’s convenient to get the animal used to a route in a certain mode of transport. For the first time, the recommendation is to take short trips by car.
Tips for traveling with your dog

If you are organizing your summer rest days and want to travel with your best friend, we recommend reading the following article. Let’s give you some tips to enjoy the time of traveling with your dog.

Tips for traveling with your dog

Whether it’s a fortnight at the beach, a few days in the countryside or a week in a farm with a pool, if you plan to travel with your dog, you should consider some issues:

1. Choose a suitable destination

Even if we have the best intention in the world, we can’t take our pet anywhere. Ask yourself the following question: what will my dog’s daily life be like in this destination?

Remember that a trip is stressful for the animal and the required change in daily routine should be worth it. Therefore, we recommend that you choose quiet places like the countryside, mountains or a quiet beach.

2. Determine the type of accommodation

Before going on vacation with your pet, you should check if dogs are allowed in the hotel or accommodation and if there are any restrictions on the size of the pet. Certain establishments do not accept large breeds such as the Great Dane or breeds considered ‘dangerous’ such as the pit bull . And if the presence of your pet is allowed, find out about the rules of coexistence.

The good news is that there are more and more ‘pet friendly’ hotels and you can find them in many cities. You may also want to consider going to a rural home or camp so that your pet has more space outside.

Traveling with your dog.

3. Select the means of transport

Nowadays, pets can be taken on almost all public transport. To take your dog on vacation for the first time, we recommend that the trip be made in a private vehicle, in addition to getting the animal used to taking a car in advance. For example, you can take short walks around town a few days before your trip.

The famous animal transport box is not just for long journeys on planes, ships or trains. It is also advisable to place the animal in this location when traveling by car. That way, your pet will be safer and more protected in case of accident or sudden movement.

4. Don’t forget your health

While it is true that the dog must be vaccinated from the start, it is also true that when we take him on vacation he may need some additional treatments, depending on the destination chosen.

Take your pet to a veterinarian appointment a few weeks before traveling for a full evaluation and recommendations, depending on the type of vacation you are taking. Going to the beach is not the same as going into the jungle.

Beaches that allow pets.

Also, remember that, in order to bring pets into some countries, you must have followed some specific treatment. For example, in the UK, Malta, Ireland and Finland, only dogs treated for Echinococcus tapeworm are accepted.

5. Don’t change habits

As we’ve already said, traveling with your dog means a lot of stress for the animal, even if the destination is only a few kilometers from home and lasts a few days.

Therefore, to make the experience as pleasant as possible for the animal – and for you – we advise you to keep its habits as unchanged as possible. This means that, for starters, you should respect your dog’s walking and feeding schedules.

Traveling with dogs is a wonderful experience if we take into account some important issues, such as ensuring the animal’s good health and integrity. It’s time to enjoy!

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