Meet The 7 Funniest Animals

They are unique species because of their appearance as well as their behavior. Some of them even look like characters from some of the most important movies in cinema.
Meet the 7 funniest animals

Nature always surprises us with curious animals that, although strange, make us smile when we see them. Want to know what are the funniest animals we know? So come with us!

The funniest animals in the animal world

1. laziness

Have you ever seen this animal in action? We say “in action” just for the sake of talking, as  the sloth ‘s slow movement  is so much fun. Not to mention the smile she seems to carry all the time, which gives her a very graceful look.

The slowness of laziness – the image that opens this text –  is caused by the low amount of energy available in your body. She is always looking to save energy and use it only when it is really necessary. An example is when this animal feels attacked, at which point it can act faster than a cat.

2. Platypus

Do you remember the day they discovered this animal? In some, it arouses laughter. In others, just the opposite. Whatever reaction it causes us, we cannot deny that the platypus is one of the most peculiar animals. It has a squirrel’s body, duck-billed feet and a beaver’s tail.

funniest animals: platypus

It can live on both land and water. It’s a mammal, but it lays eggs. Who understands nature, which seems to have played a puzzle in forming this little animal? As a curiosity, the platypus has venom in one of its claws. So when you find one, better not provoke it.

3. Shoe-billed Stork

This animal, which inhabits Africa, has a huge head compared to others of its kind. In addition, it has a very different beak, as big as a shoe size 38. What is certain is that,  although in appearance it is the duckling made of storks, this animal arouses many smiles.


The shoe-beaked stork will make us open a huge smile of admiration, as they are huge, and can measure up to a meter in height. Because of this, they are considered one of the largest birds in the world.

4. Long-eared gerbil

Do you know the gerbil? This cute, mouse-like animal is even more fun when it has long ears like a rabbit. They are usually the same size as the animal’s body, which makes anyone smile when they see them.

Gerbil de orelhas longas
Source: ps://

It is known as the mammal with the largest ears in relation to body size. They can exceed 10 centimeters. It lives in China and Mongolia and feeds on insects.

5. Yoda bat

Who doesn’t know Yoda from the famous George Lucas fantasy series? Well, nature seems to have inspired the director to create one of the most famous characters in the saga. The Yoda bat is proof of that.

animais mais divertidos

We don’t know how you react to seeing him, whether you find him funny or afraid. But for us, this is a very funny animal and that’s why we decided to include it in this list.

6. Pichiciego-minor

If an ordinary armadillo is naturally fun because of its furry body under a hard gray hull, imagine if it is also  one of the smallest animals in the world and has a pink coloration. Nature can be quite funny in some situations.


7. Dumbo Octopus

Although its official name is  Grimpoteuthisthis little animal arouses laughter in everyone who knows it. That’s because it has fins that look more like elephant ears and gives it a cute and fun look.

Polvo Dumbo

And those were some of the funniest animals in the world. Do you remember any more? So enjoy and share with us. To the next!

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