How Do I Know If A Breeder Is Trustworthy?

Breeders do not seek to profit from the exploitation of the female, but rather to preserve the standards of the breeds out of admiration for them. But how do you know if a breeder is trustworthy?
How do you know if a breeder is trustworthy?

Dog breeders have been around the world for a long time. While we support adoption as the best way to have a pet, we’ll talk today about knowing if a breeder is trustworthy.

The creators’ mission

A breeder is that person dedicated to the development of a specific animal species. There are breeders of horses, dogs, cats, birds of all kinds, fish, etc. For this, the breeder uses his intuition, his knowledge and the physical aspect of the animal to be worked.

It is very common to see people settling in places with very specific hygienic conditions. In these places, the safety, hygiene and health of the animals must be guaranteed. Facilities need to have a veterinary care unit, or if not, close to offices.

puppies over fence

The animals these individuals work with must demonstrate excellent health and exhibit characteristics typical of the breed.  Animals with visual defects or with changes in their behavior that disqualify them are not admitted.

Breeders do not breed animals all the time, as many people think. They take into account many factors during the mating process, from the female’s consent to the relationship she has with the male chosen for mating.

They don’t do it for profit

Most breeders do this for the love of the breed. For this reason, they strive with great effort and pride to preserve and care for their animals.  However, there are people who treat animals as objects, so we recommend checking the breeder’s reputation and the status of the animals before starting any process.

Dogs at an animal shelter

Remember that trusted breeders have a certificate that indicates the breed, weight, health status, and even some predictions about the behavior or growth of the animal in question.

Not all are able to be breeders

The people responsible for these sites are individuals specialized in the breed. Therefore, they know very well the characteristics, defects and advantages that a breed can present throughout its life. The monetary incentive is there, of course, but it is their love for the race that motivates them to be breeders.

For this task, these breeders are required to control and manage the classification table of the International Cynological Federation (FCI), in collaboration with the organization in charge of classifying the animals in the country.

Puppies on wood pile for firewood

The breeder must have knowledge about the psychological characteristics of the breed to be worked, as well as its history, diseases and behavior. Likewise, this person must have leadership attitudes, not only to control the herd under his care, but also to manage the proper place to carry out this activity.

The breeder must also be able to choose animals with better character and look for the most capable team to help keep the place in perfect condition. In addition, the manager’s job is to train his staff about the creation and care required by the species to be worked on.

How to know if a breeder is trustworthy

During the females’ heat, those that alter the good behavior of the herd are separated in different corrals from the males, to avoid accidents. For the crossing to be effective, the breeder must ensure that a series of conditions are met.

couple of dogs

The FCI has specific guidelines for crossings to be made: 

  • Determine the conditions under which the crossing will take place.
  • There are cases where the crossing is done outside the breeding site. In these cases, it is necessary to determine the location, ensure safety and ensure that its conditions are impeccable.
  • If the dog suffers damage, the breeder must bear the expenses. Likewise, there must be a way to transport the animal.
  • Only a healthy dog ​​should breed with the chosen female.  If the dog does not want to mate with the female, she cannot be bred to another, unless there is a prior agreement between the owners.
  • With respect to the puppies of the bitch, the owner of the male will not have rights over the puppies, unless there is a prior agreement by both parties.
  • In case the mating goes wrong, the male owner is free to choose between a free mating or paying compensation for the mating performed.

Before starting any process or agreement, ensure security. With these tips, you’ll know if a breeder is trustworthy.

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