Differences Between Cats And Dogs: Learn More Here!

Some of the most striking are the felines’ independence and the dogs’ absolute fidelity, but the truth is that these species differ in other aspects, such as feeding, hygiene and domestication.
Differences between cats and dogs: learn more here!

At first glance, there are differences between dogs and cats on the physical, but there are also differences on the emotional, behavioral level. Of course, the habits and feeding of these animals are also quite different. In this article, we’ll talk about some of the differences between dogs and cats.

What are the differences between cats and dogs?

Maybe you want to adopt a pet and don’t know which one to choose. Dogs and cats are cute, but they differ on some important issues. Not everyone is able to have a dog or cat at home. Among the differences between them, we highlight:

1. Behavior

The first big difference between a cat and a dog is behavior. The first is a lone hunter, like the rest of the cats. The second prefers to live in a group,  because he is descended from the wolves.

Cats can spend hours alone at home, while dogs need company.  Otherwise, they get depressed or get sick. In addition, dogs will do everything in their power to please the owner. After all, canines regard the human as the leader of the pack. In turn, cats will play alone whenever they want.

2. Food

Although dogs and cats eat kibble when they are at home, we also find differences in their diet and ways of feeding. Cats chase their prey, are stealthy and hunt birds, rodents or insects.  They only “accept” a certain type of food, which includes fish and pate.

Cachorro e gato comendo juntos

Dogs, on the other hand, are omnivores and have a slightly broader menu. They can consume some fruits and vegetables, red or white meats and even vegetables. Furthermore, in a survival situation, they can maintain a “vegetarian” diet.

Another curious fact:  a dog can go more time without eating than a cat. Canines use their own body fat to produce energy. Therefore, it is more common for dogs to devour the food on their plate in a matter of minutes. This is especially common in some greedy breeds such as the Labrador. In turn, cats “dosage” more than they have in the feeder throughout the day.

3. Hygiene

Another of the main differences between dogs and cats is hygiene. The first ones don’t take care of it themselves and, if they are not bathed with some assiduity, they give off a strong smell. In contrast, cats can spend all day cleaning themselves. They are unlikely to become smelly, and if they do, it is a sign that something is happening to the animal. Therefore, in this situation, you have to take him to the vet as soon as possible.

cat licking itself

4. Domestication

The cat is wilder and therefore it is generally more difficult to learn certain habits. We could say that “he will do what he wants”, according to the occasion. The dog is the opposite: the trained puppy can be extremely obedient in any situation, whether at home, in the park or on the beach.

5. Territoriality and protection

One of the first things a cat does when it arrives at its new home is to leave its scent everywhere. Like? Rubbing against objects, furniture, walls and even people. In the case of dogs, unless there is more than one in the house, they will not mark a territory as yours.

As for protection, the dog will not hesitate to take care of its owner, wherever he is and regardless of the danger that awaits him. The only situation in which the cat attacks is if it considers that its space is being invaded. It doesn’t matter if someone from the house or a stranger is approaching.

Dogs and cats are completely different, no one can deny that. However, they are the best pets we can have at home. Take into account their specific needs and offer them your love. In return, they will give you company and loyalty. So don’t hesitate to get a cat or a dog! They will become your best friends.

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