A Female Dog Escapes From The Cage To Console Some Puppies

A female dog escapes from the cage to comfort some puppies

Motherhood is something inherent throughout the animal kingdom, both in humans with their children, and in dogs with their puppies.

In this article we’ll talk about a case that softened everyone’s heart,  a bitch who knew it was the right time to comfort and care for some puppies.

Maggie, a unique bitch

bitch maggie

Source: Barkers Pet Motel and Grooming Facebook

It all took place at the establishment for dogs “Barkers Pet Motel and Grooming”, in Canada, an NGO that hosts dogs for people who go on vacation, as well as sheltering orphaned or homeless dogs, which the NGO rescues to properly care for them and then put them up for adoption, so they can find a family that loves them.

In this place is the beautiful dog Maggie, brown in color belonging to the Australian Shepherd breed, who are characterized throughout history for being faithful and protective dogs at all times.

This beautiful bitch had just gone through one of the most difficult times of her life, as her newly born puppies managed to find a family that would adopt them to offer love and take care of them in a more adequate way.

A dawn that changed everything

Although Maggie was not in a good mood, the truth is that she was no longer depressed thanks to the distraction she found in other dogs and also in Alex Aldred, a local worker whom the dog loved dearly.

The life of this dog in the place was limited to taking long naps, going out to sunbathe and taking a walk outdoors. She received all the affection in the world from Alex and enjoyed the delicious food that was served there.

The arrival of the puppies


Source: Barkers Pet Motel and Grooming Facebook

In those late hours, all the dogs were already sleeping peacefully in their respective metal cages, until their sleep was suddenly interrupted by the cries of a series of puppies that had just arrived at the place, as they did not have a mother to care for them and watch over them. .

Because that was their first night in the center, the little ones were scared and insecure, that’s why their cries were the natural manifestation of the state they were in, for not knowing the place and feeling completely helpless.

Faced with this fact, Maggie felt moved by the fragility of the puppies and decided to escape from her cage to find them and keep them company.

As soon as the bitch left the space where she was resting, she began to search the long and bright corridor for the cage of the puppies, so that she could be with them.

As soon as she found the cage, the bitch did her best to get in, however, at that moment she felt a noise nearby and approached to see what it was, having the pleasant surprise that it was her friend Alex, who had entered for herself. make sure everything was in order.

an exemplary mother

Although Maggie had always shown unquestionable love, her attitude at that time was much more cheerful than usual, intensifying even more the moment she found herself in front of the cage of newly arrived puppies.

Alex then understood that the beautiful brown-haired bitch was asking her to let her be with them, a fact that made the local worker decide to open the cage for the puppies and allow Maggie to enter.

Once inside, the dog approached them and made them feel confident, reaching the point that this very night they could all sleep together, without any kind of inconvenience.

Faced with this beautiful fact, the workers of the enclosure decided to let Maggie always stay with them until the day someone adopted them.

Undoubtedly, this is a fact that reflects how the maternal instinct can lead a being to protect and unconditionally love another, even if these are not their true children.

Image source: Barkers Pet Motel and Grooming Facebook

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