A “no” To The Premiere Of The Movie ‘Four Lives Of A Dog’ For Animal Abuse

A "no" to the premiere of the movie 'Four Lives of a Dog' for mistreatment of animals

In different forums, a petition was sent to the Spanish Ministry of Culture to prevent the premiere of the film  “Four Lives of a Dog”,  for mistreatment of animals, in this case, mistreatment of dogs.

In the film “Four Lives of a Dog”, the special connection that exists between humans and dogs is addressed . But in the footage, a dog is nearly drowned. It is unacceptable to allow mistreatment of animals. There are people who want to prevent this movie from opening in theaters.

The TMZ entertainment website selected videos of the filming of the new film. The images show the mistreatment of a dog during filming.

The images are very strong and clearly show how a German shepherd resists with all his strength to enter an artificial current of water, while in the background screams are heard asking to be taken out of the water immediately, because the dog was about to leave. to swamp.

The film’s producer responds to the accusation of mistreatment of animals

Source: A Dog’s Purpose Facebook

Given the rumors of abuse in this film, the response from producer Amblin Entertainment could not be more absurd. According to them, the dog, Hercules, who nearly drowned, was prepared and had not been forced to jump into the current.

Furthermore, the strangest thing was that the film seeks to show the connection between humans and dogs, while during the filming, dogs are mistreated and nearly drowned.

Fortunately,  Hercules is fine, but it’s unacceptable to tolerate animals being mistreated in this way to make them do what humans want.

the movie premiere

The movie “Four Lives of a Dog” has already premiered in the United States and Brazil, with relative success. This film cannot be allowed to open in Spain. The PETA Association has already taken action on this matter and is promoting different actions.

The video was shot in October 2015. According to one of the film’s producers, Galvin Polone, a well-known animal rights activist, was “horrified” by the images. The film crew said the facts should have been investigated immediately.

The filming was supervised by the American Humane Association (AHA), the entity that guarantees in the credits that no animal was harmed during the filming of the American films.

This entity will be judged for its active role in various scandals related to animal deaths and abuse. The company’s independence is in question because it is financed by the same industry it has a duty to oversee.

Complaints for mistreatment of animals

According to data obtained by the Society for the Protection of Animals and Plants of Madrid (SPAP), an average of 30 complaints  are received per month about cases of mistreatment of animals. Of these complaints, 99% are made administratively and 1% through criminal proceedings.

In this sense, it is necessary to provide maximum collaboration with the Police or the animal protection association through which denouncements of objects of crime are filed. It’s very important to get evidence of the crime. Without them, the accusation of maltreatment will not stand.

The main point is that, although there is a law that protects animals from mistreatment, the procedures and mechanisms for enforcing it are inoperative and slow.

First, access to the residence where the offense is registered is already complex, when inspection is required to find out about the state in which the animal is found. A legal order will be needed, which is not easy to obtain.

Removal of the dog should be carried out in most cases of mistreatment. But it’s complicated because, from a legal point of view, the animal is still considered private property. Furthermore, it is not always possible to prove abuse. Therefore, most complaints end up being filed.

Source: A Dog’s Purpose Facebook

The legal basis for the offense of animal abuse

It is necessary to remember Article 337 of the Penal Code of Spain. After its last change in 2010, ill-treatment is defined as follows: “who, by any means or procedure, abuses a domestic or trained animal without justification, causing death or injuries that seriously harm their health, will be punished with the penalty of three months to one year of imprisonment and loss of special right of one to three years of exercise, trade or trade related to animals”.

Images source: A Dog’s Purpose Facebook

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