Advantages Of Castration On Animals

Advantages of castration on animals

Neutering our pet is often a necessary action to obtain multiple benefits, such as improved behavior, disease prevention and better quality of life. In this article we will share some advantages of this simple surgery that, without a doubt, is a good decision for your little friend.

Advantages of Spaying Pets


As we mentioned, castration brings great benefits, such as decreasing the animal’s aggressiveness. Castration in adult dogs, for example, contributes to males being less aggressive with their peers and with people.

However, these levels of aggressiveness vary according to the age at which castration is performed, being more effective before one year of age.

Greater concentration. A neutered dog is much easier to train, as its behavior is more docile, it will be a better student, with greater attention span, even if there are bitches in heat around. This is because the dog will not be distracted by pheromonal stimuli.

Spaying allows  animals to  live healthier longer as it helps prevent uterine infections and breast cancer, which is deadly in approximately 50% of dogs and 90% of cats.

By neutering your pet before its first heat we will give it better protection against the diseases listed in the previous paragraph.

The procedure provides important benefits for canine health, as it avoids unwanted mating and prevents testicular cancer in males, whenever surgery is performed before six months of age.

better quality of life

Neutered bitches will not go through the heat period.

Even though cycles can vary, female felines generally come into heat every three weeks for four to five days. To get the attention of their partners, they tend to meow and urinate more often, sometimes all over the house.

Neutering prevents dogs from running away, getting lost or having accidents.  When the male is ready to breed, he will look for a female dog and this will make him want to escape from the house, risking his health by fighting with other dogs or getting involved in traffic accidents.

Dogs and felines are very affectionate and focus their attention on their human families. However, unneutered dogs and cats can mark their territories by spreading  strong-smelling urine throughout the house.

Undoubtedly, many aggressiveness problems can be avoided through early castration.

Spaying or neutering won’t make your pet fatter, so don’t use that old excuse. Lack of exercise and overfeeding is what adds a few extra pounds, not the procedure.

The surgery is very cost effective as it saves you on the cost of caring for a litter of puppies and the cost of treating wounds caused by fighting with other dogs.

The spaying and neutering of animals are great choices. Mutts are considered a real problem in many countries, as they can damage the environment, cause traffic accidents, harm local fauna and scare children. These surgeries significantly favor the reduction in the number of animals  on the streets.

The pet does not need to have puppies to show our children the miracle of birth, as we run the risk of not being able to keep so many litters and that many puppies end up on the street, in animal shelters or kennels, which is not a good example for the children.

There are many books and videos that teach about pet birth and responsible pet care.

Sterilization helps to combat the overpopulation of animals.  Every year, millions of cats and dogs of different ages and breeds are sacrificed or end up on the streets as mutts.  

These high indicators result from unwanted litters that could have been avoided with spaying or neutering.

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